Polar opposite sisters share photos of their very different homes
This is wild! I guess just because two people are siblings doesn't necessarily mean they are in any way "related".
Morgan Slimak

Just because two people are siblings doesn’t mean that they have the same personalities and tastes. In fact, sometimes they are complete opposites. It’s something that Alexandria Bishop made clear in her recent viral Tweet showing the differences between her and her sister’s homes.

“My sister and I are polar opposites,” Alexandria wrote.

Her sister Jessica is basically rainbow everything.

The fence at her house is painted rainbow colors, she has a My Little Pony swimming pool set up in the backyard, and even her hair is dyed a mix of rainbow-inspired hues. Alexandria, on the other hand, couldn’t be more different.

Alexandria Bishop
Alexandria Bishop

To no one’s surprise, Alexandria represented Jessica’s home in the Tweet with the use of a rainbow emoji.

For her home, though, she used a coffin emoji… literal death.

How the two ended up so different is anyone’s guess, but it’s obvious that Alexandria definitely isn’t as cheery and bubbly as her sister. While Jessica boasts a giant smile in the two’s photo together, Alexandria is clad in all black clothing and wears a very serious, unimpressed look on her face.

Alexandria Bishop
Alexandria Bishop

The picture of Alexandria’s house is much different too.

It simply shows a “Go Away” doormat, next to a black cross and a little coffin. Maybe she is a vampire? We’re not entirely sure. The message is clear though — she is not a fan of people and wants them to stay well away from her.

Alexandria Bishop
Alexandria Bishop

The Internet loved the two’s story though, and as soon as Alexandria shared the Tweet, it immediately started going viral.

In addition to the greater than half a million likes it has received, it has also been retweeted over 100,000 times.

“I was watching my nieces in Jessica’s yard today and I took a photo of her fence and decided to post it!” Alexandria told BuzzFeed. “The most surprising things go viral — I’ll never understand!”

People wanted to see more and Alexandria got swarmed with requests for additional pictures of her and her sister. She happily (or angrily?) complied.

Alexandria Bishop
Alexandria Bishop

The other photos she Tweeted are similar in that they highlight the pair’s differences.

From their choices of Halloween costumes to the way they pose for pics in photo booths, you would never guess the sisters were actually related.

Alexandria Bishop
Alexandria Bishop

When you enter their homes, it’s like they are living in completely alternate realities.

Alexandria Bishop
Alexandria Bishop

Jessica’s home is friendly and inviting, while Alexandria’s is darker and much more bohemian looking.

Alexandria Bishop
Alexandria Bishop

“Jessica and I have a pretty big age gap, so we naturally have been interested in different things,” said Alexandria. “Our style only became drastically different when we became adults and started dressing how we truly wanted.”

Alexandria’s hilarious Tweet is the perfect illustration of why we should never make assumptions about people based on other members of their family.

Alexandria Bishop
Alexandria Bishop

It’s pretty normal that two siblings would have unique mannerisms and personalities, especially when age gaps come in to play. In Alexandria and Jessica’s case, they were born eight years apart. However, it’s still quite funny to see all the pictures highlighting their differences and we definitely enjoyed them.

Check out Alexandria’s original viral Tweet comparing her and her sister’s houses below.

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