Pilot retires after 35 years and gives wings to toddler with Down Syndrome
This was Captain Weis' last flight and Ki's first. It just made sense to him to give his wings to Ki.
Jaclyn Abergas

American Airlines pilot Joseph โ€œJoeโ€ Weis was retiring after 35 years. And the international flight from Madrid, Spain to Miami, Florida, USA was his last flight.

But there was someone else on the same flight who was creating history in his life. Two-year-old Ki Klitenick was traveling on the plane for the return leg of his first international flight. They were in Spain for a family reunion and were on their way back home.


And it turns out Ki and his mother, Sarah, were sitting next to the wife of AA pilot Joe Weis, Wendy.

During a pilotโ€™s customary final flight, his family usually accompanies him during the flight. That was why Wendy Weis was there to meet Ki.

Wendy sent a message to Joe about Sarah and Ki and to meet the young family.

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โ€œWendy had called me from her seat and told me about [Kiโ€™s mother] Sarah and it being his first international trip. There was a bit of a connection,โ€ Weis told โ€œGood Morning America.โ€

And he did.

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Captain Weis went out to meet Sarah and Ki during his break but Ki was sleeping. Captain Weis then asked Sarah that, if they had the time, to visit him in the cockpit when they landed.

When they landed, Sarap took Ki to the cockpit, where Captain Weis kept his promise. He gave Ki a tour of the cockpit.

But more than that, Captain Weis gave Ki something much more important and symbolic.

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Captain Weis gave Ki his wings.

This wasnโ€™t the usual wings that airlines and flight attendants give to children. These were the actual wings that Captain Weis wore every time he flew.

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What an honor!

And itโ€™s an even more admirable gesture because Ki was born with Down Syndrome. In a world where children with differences were bullied regularly, Captain Weis went out of his way to make sure Ki knew he was a special boy, Down Syndrome or none.

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โ€œMy last flight was very special for many reasons,โ€ Joe wrote on Facebook. โ€œSince it was my last and his first we decided to make it special. I will remember this always.โ€

Ki smiled and signed โ€œThank youโ€ to Captain Weis.

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โ€œItโ€™s amazing that on a day all about him, he found a way to pass something so special on to someone else,โ€ Sarah said.

And even when they got back home, Ki couldnโ€™t stop talking about his โ€œnew friend.โ€

Whenever Sarah would say โ€œCaptain,โ€ Ki would shout โ€œJoe!โ€ and point to his wings.

โ€œWith all the negative things going on in the world, itโ€™s just nice when people do things that are unbelievably nice,โ€ Sarah added. โ€œItโ€™s adorable. Itโ€™s a really special thing.โ€

Even American Airlines issued a statement thanking Captain Weis for his service and commending his last action on his final flight with them.

โ€œAll of us at American are truly touched by the actions of Captain Joseph Weis. Captain Weis, who started with American in March 1985, always loved to engage with his passengers. When Captain Weis found out his last flight at American was Kiโ€™s first flight, he wanted to pass along his wings to a future generation. We are all proud of Captain Weis and wish him all the best on his retirement. We also look forward to welcoming Ki on future American flights, along with his wings,โ€ American Airlines spoke on their statement.


Watch the video below as Captain Joe Weis gives his wings to Ki.

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