Destiny…such a strong word. It relates to your fate, meaning that what’s supposed to happen in your life will regardless of what you do to change it. While it’s somewhat easy to explain in words, for a lot of people, it makes more sense when seen in photos.
And with these 44 images, you’ll gain a better understanding of just how powerful destiny is.
While on a family trip to Rio de Janeiro, everyone decided to have a photo taken together. Somehow, the random guy on the left ended up being captured as well. Seven years later, he met one of the women in the group who became his wife.
This man took a 2,500-mile flight, drove two hours, and hiked an additional six hours. Finally, he was able to scatter his wife’s ashes in a place she dearly loved while alive.
While in preschool, these two were inseparable. You could slay they were in “puppy love.” But they lost touch After reconnecting 20 years later, they’re back together and now dating.
This cat’s feline sister died. He missed her so much that every day, he sits in front of her photo for about 30 minutes, just staring at it.
After meeting at the age of 30, a man and a woman got married. While going through old photos of them growing up, they realized that at the age of 10, they’d both vacationed in the same spot and were in almost identical photos.
6. Her most prized possession
A young girl wanted to give her mom the perfect Mother’s Day present. So, she gave her this photo but was worried she wouldn’t like it. Well, she not only liked it but loved it…to the point of taking pictures of it to share with all her friends.
It was only after this couple got married and started to look at old photos that they realized they’d met before. It was when they were super young so they didn’t even remember.
Even after being diagnosed with terminal cancer, this bride’s high school friend attended her wedding. He was so happy for her that he couldn’t stop smiling.
Their facial expressions and body language say it all. While at a school dance when they were young, neither one of these people was impressed with the other. Yet, years later, they ended up getting married.
This young boy’s dog ran away. But he was sure she’d return. So, to be there when she came home, he sat outside all afternoon…waiting.
Although the times were very different during Woodstock, one couple who met there is still together. Their love has spanned 48 years and is stronger than ever. It was meant to be.
12. Carrying on tradition
One woman’s mom was always the one to make a huge Thanksgiving feast. After she passed away, her 15-year-old granddaughter took it upon herself to keep the tradition alive. What a gorgeous table setting.
13. The feeling was mutual
Spotting a cute boy on a merry-go-round, one girl was smitten. But it took her until high school to tell him how she felt. Fortunately, he was in love with her too and the rest is history.
14. Best Dad of the Year award
While waiting for her flight, one woman heard a man reading the Lord of the Rings. Come to find out, his children were on the other end of the phone. Even when separated, this father still puts his kids first.
These two have known each other their entire lives. So, the fact that they ended up falling in love as adults didn’t come as a surprise. They were destined to be together.
While still a small child, a mom took her daughter to see The Lion King. She did it again recently, 34 years later. After seeing the movie a second time, the mom gifted her daughter with receipts from both performances.
Today, a lot of people meet through an online dating service. That’s how these two met…or so they thought. But as they began talking about their childhood, they discovered they were actually in kindergarten together. For this couple, the stars were aligned just right.
18. “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”
That’s the song this long-time married couple danced to on Christmas Eve. He’d been in the hospital and doctors didn’t know if he’d survive. But he did…it just wasn’t his time.
19. Foreign country encounter
During a trip to Thailand, a woman from Canada met a man from France. They quickly fell in love and now three years later, they’re still enjoying life to the fullest…together.
There was a reason that one family adopted a kitten…their baby girl. Before she could even walk through her college graduation and beyond, the two of them have remained the best of friends.
21. Love at first sight…twice
While teenagers, these two met and instantly made a connection. Many years later, they ran into each other again at a wedding and the same thing happened. But did you notice that in both photos, she’s wearing a strapless pink dress while he’s wearing a white shirt with a blue and black stripe? That’s destiny.
22. A rose speaks 1,000 words
It’s not the size or cost of the gift that matters. A single rose is enough to make a profound statement. Hopefully, it’s destiny for him and the recipient of the flower.
23. 20 years in the making
Born in Saudi Arabia, these two were super close when young. After connecting again on Facebook 20 years later, they became husband and wife.
Although this couple trusted their German Shepherd, they were still a little worried about how he’d react to their newborn. As you can see, the two of them immediately bonded.
25. Walking down the aisle
The first time, they did it as kids, she as the Flower Girl and he the Ring Bearer. Then many years later, they did it again. But this time, they were the bride and groom.
26. Wanting to be included
This cat and his human are so close that every night when the mom reads her daughter a bedtime story, he shows up. This kitty and girl were supposed to find each other.
In 2014, a young woman desperately needed a liver transplant. Although she’d never met the man who would selflessly donate part of his organ, the two of them fell in love. Now, they’re happily married.
For years, residents in an apartment complex found home-baked goodies outside their front door but never knew who they came from. Then, she was busted. That led to the start of many beautiful friendships.
While still in high school, a girl bravely told one of her classmates that she loved him. It was his silliness that drew her in. Now at age 25, she gets to tell him that every day considering they’re married.
One mom was worried that her only daughter, who was very spoiled by the way, would struggle with her new baby sister. But there wasn’t anything to worry about. This girl took her big sister role seriously and does a great job helping to care for her.
For this couple, it was a love of animals that brought them together. They both searched for tickets to the zoo on Twitter, met, and fell in love.
While a lot of brothers tend to fight, these two have a genuine love for each other. After breaking a toy on Christmas, the younger one comforted the older one. They were meant to be brothers.
It was only after this couple tied the knot that they discovered they’d gone to kindergarten together. This photo even shows them standing side by side. Of course, had someone told them back then that they’d be married one day, they both would’ve thought it was gross.
34. Coming together at last
This brother and sister were put up for adoption. But they ended up in different homes. After a long 31 year separation, they found one another and reunited.
At the ages of two and four, this now married couple lived next door to one another. Years later, they met as adults and have now been married a long time…happily married.
A young woman took a photo of her grandfather kissing her grandmother on the forehead. She was in a coma and he was trying his best to get her to wake up. We don’t know if she did but we’d like to think so.
In the black and white photo, this newly married couple was posing for the National Geographic magazine. Today, they just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. From the beginning, they were headed toward success.
Often, destiny brings people together because they’ll need each other at some point in life.. In this case, the man had trouble keeping his balance while his wife struggled to walk. So, working as a team, they came up with a perfect solution.
That’s all it took for this couple to meet. Dirty laundry and the same laundromat. One sweet note and he stole her heart. We see a long and happy future for these two.
Although this man and woman attended prom together, they ended up marrying different people. But when they both became widowed, they reconnected. At 81 years old, they had the chance to start a beautiful new life that had roots from decades earlier.
This is another prime example of people who are destined to be in one another’s lives. In giving birth to her daughter, this mom watched her baby take her first breath. When the mom was dying, that same daughter held her as she took her last breath. That’s genuine love.
Just because this young boy is in a wheelchair doesn’t mean he can’t have a big impact on his little sister’s life. In this photo, he’s carefully teaching her how to walk even though he can’t. There’s no question this girl will grow up with tremendous admiration for her big brother.
Sometimes, destiny involves saying goodbye. This pup was fortunate to have such a special six-year-old in his life to be with him as he passed over the rainbow bridge. While devastating, she’s the one who gave him comfort.
44. All because of post-it notes
While browsing Twitter, these two people came across one another. Each of them held up a post-it note that started the ball rolling. Once they met in person, it was like fireworks. Something so simple turned into something magical.
Destiny…such a strong word. It relates to your fate, meaning that what’s supposed to happen in your life will regardless of what you do to change it. While it’s somewhat easy to explain in words, for a lot of people, it makes more sense when seen in photos.
And with these 44 images, you’ll gain a better understanding of just how powerful destiny is.