The Piano Guys is an American musical group who does incredible renditions of popular songs, sometimes, using every part of the piano possible. In this video, they use the guts of the piano, while also using their hands to play ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ by Ed Sheeran.
This is way too cool to miss!
The Piano Guys go “all in” on this piano, literally pulling off the top and playing a popular Ed Sheeran tune
This group of musicians never fails in making their videos unique, which is probably why all their videos go viral. At the beginning of this video, you can see an overview of the piano with no top and all of them standing around it getting ready to put it to good use.
Once the camera zooms in, you get a better view of exactly what they’re doing and it’s mind-blowing. They pluck, tap, and pull the strings inside the piano while other members of the group use their hands to pound a beat.
Some of the musicians play the actual keys of the piano, while others rotate in making different sounds with their hands
The musicians rotate around the piano, taking turns playing the instrument and keeping the beat going with their hands. the Piano Guys are extraordinary, seeing them create this many brilliant sounds with just one piano gives me chills.
They work together so well, it’s like they’re all working from the same brain to create the most unique version of Ed Sheeran’s ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ ever! Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, you see one of the musicians pull out an unbelievable prob and start using it to make a jaw-dropping sound.
1:30 into the video, one of the Piano Guys pulls out a shoelace and puts it under one of the piano strings to bring another unique sound into the mix
He gently rubs the shoestring across the piano strings, after that, they really pick it up a notch and start an overload of beautiful harmonies. They also begin using their voices to hum the sound of the popular song.
One of the musicians begins rapidly playing the beat to the Ed Sheeran song with one hand, then the rest of them run around the piano and get into news positions to continue playing the music.
They use every part of the piano to create the sounds, even using the keyboard-cover by opening and closing it shut
This is the most impressive use of a piano I’ve ever seen, there’s not a single component on the piano that they don’t use for the song. The entire performance, the Piano Guys flawlessly play ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ like it’s never been played before.
People on YouTube went crazy for the musical masterpiece, leaving users all around the world stunned by their sensational abilities.
Almost 1.3 million people have watched the video on YouTube, with 40k clicking the thumbs up
They have many other magical performances on their YouTube page The Piano Guys, where they have over 6.7 million subscribers.
These guys(and girl) are ridiculously talented, watching them never gets old! The was they use the whole piano to put together this music spectacle is outstanding, it’s no surprise they’re viral sensations. To see the astonishing remix, watch the video below!
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