When we think of summertime, we think of nice days in the sun. Maybe a nice breeze, laying out by the pool with a nice cold drink to keep us cool. We idolize the summer weather and memories of relaxation and sun that comes to our mind, but there is a harshness to summer that we tend to forget about: the unyielding heat. The heat of summertime can get overwhelming, but we tend to forget about that part.
Here are 60 photos that prove the summer heat struggles are definitely real.
1. Melting Tar
The road was so hot the tar started to melt. Imagine driving down this road and ruining your tires on a hot summer day. That is one sticky drive! This truck driver is going to need some new tires.

2. Stray Cat Summit
Once one stray cat found the shade, she let all her friends know about the cool location. These cats are going to soak up every moment in the shade for as long as they can. Then they will have to find a new shady spot. They better start sending out a lookout cat for the new spot.

3. Arizona Road Signs
The sign says no left turns, but if it melts off does that mean left turns are okay? If the stop sign starts to melt then this intersection is in for some big trouble. Arizona roads in the summertime will turn into Super Mario Cart if the signs keep melting.

4. Surfboard Struggles
These surfers are going to have a hard time standing on these surfboards. It was a perfect, and hot, day to spend at the beach, but not for their surfboards. They are going to have to lay them flat and hope they can melt back into a straight surface.

5. Inventive A.C.
When the heat is way too hot, people have to get creative with air conditioning solutions. This home does not air conditioning but their car does. So, their car air conditioning was just going to have to make into the house as well. If it works, that is all that matters at the end of a hot day.

6. Cold Floors
These cats are going completely flat for maximum coldness. Cold tile is always refreshing on our feet, but these cats wanted more than their feet to cool down. Have you ever seen such flat cats before?

7. Watch the Roads
The first picture in this slideshow showed melting tar getting stuck to a truck’s wheels. If you were wondering what a melting street looks like to get those tar wheels, here it is! The melting tar has made the lines in these roads go curvy instead of straight. If the weather is hot enough to melt the roads, you should probably stay off the roads.

8. New Style of Eggs
Australians know it can get so hot outside that they can cook eggs with just the sun. He left two cracked eggs outside for three hours and those eggs are not just cooked, they are overcooked! If eggs can get cooked outside that means it is too hot.

9. Snuggle Up
Snuggling up with your significant other on a hot summer day does not sound like a fun activity, but cuddling with a block of ice does. His block of ice is keeping him so cool that he can actually have a light blanket on too. By the end of his nap his stomach is going to be frozen with the ice.

10. New Cat House
This cat is never leaving his new “house.” He got caught red handed staying cool in the fridge, but the look in those eyes you can tell he has no regrets. He has found this cool spot once, he will figure out a way back in.

11. Working From Home
Many people are working from home for the first time. If they do not have air conditioning they might want to take a hint from this guy on how to stay cool. All you need is a personal size pool and very long arms to reach the keyboard. This would make for one awkward Zoom call.

12. Ice Bath
What we see as dumped ice, this bulldog sees as the best day of the summer. He has finally found a way to stay cold during the hot day. If only his owners could dump ice every day of the summer, he would be one happy dog.

13. Not Today Satan, Not Today
Warwick Baptist Church was able to make a funny sign without even trying to be funny. It really is too hot to change the sign. This sign probably stayed all summer long.

14. A Little Sunburnt
Never, ever forget your sunscreen when you are spending a day outside in the hot sun. You do not want to end up like these two. They are going to be hurting for weeks and lets just be glad we don’t have to see what they looked like when the burn started to peel.

15. Melting Ice Cream … Van
Australia is making sure these park visitors know that it’s hot outside. They have created a melted ice cream van. It is so hot ice cream is not only melting, the entire van is.

16. Husky Hates The Heat
This husky was not meant to live in the heat. He is miserable and is not afraid to show it either. He is keeping his snout as cool as he can with the ice but it is not enough. He needs an ice bath like the bulldog from before.

17. One Is Not Enough
These rooms are making sure they are not just cool but they are ice cold. Some rooms have up to four air conditioning units! I do not want to see what their electricity bill looks like during the summer.

18. Shady Umbrella
This umbrella only creates a few feet of shade, but any shade is better than no shade. She has to find the perfect angle to let the shade cover her entire body. Normally people do not want shade thrown at them, but in this case, she does.

19. First Day of Summer
This good boy is loving the first day of summer. Let’s see if he still feels this excited on the last days of summer. He might have changed his tune by then and look more like the husky and bulldog with their ice. The fun and wild innocence at the first day of summer will slowly fade.

20. Cannot Compute
The heat has overheated this digital sign. The sign is so hot it has created its own new language. Good luck to whoever has to try and decipher that sign.

21. Share The Air
The roommate without the air conditioning unit was making sure they still got some of the cold air. They are paying for half the apartment, so that means they get half of the cold air too. It is only fair after all.

22. Red Means Stop, Black Means Melting
Red means stop, yellow means warning, and green means go, but what does the black melted over mean? It means that it is way too hot to be outside. If the traffic light is melting, it is safe to say, people should stay inside for the day.

23. Egg With A Side Of Ink
Is this the first ever tattooed egg? It just might be. The heat from the container, and the outside, has tattooed the ink straight onto the egg. At least the marker was not tattooed on too.

24. Perfect Spot
This man has created the only spot he will sit outside in. The heat is not going to bother him with all those fans. The only problem is, is that he cannot hear any part of the conversation. You have to yell if you want to talk with him.

25. Cool Cat Naps
These adorable little kittens have found a cool spot to take a nap on. If I walked into this store, I would want to know if the kittens were for sale too! Those adorable little kittens are just selling themselves with their adorable summer nap skills.

26. Sharing is Caring
Sharing is caring but stealing is not. This bird is a savage and went straight for this woman’s ice cream cone. Even birds want a cool treat on a hot summer day.

27. Pool Party For One
Is the children’s sleep over rumor true, if you put a sleeping person’s hand in a glass of water they will pee their pants? If it is, this person is in for a wake up surprise. He not only has one hand in water, he has both hands and his feet. He is desperate to cool down.

28. Personal Fan
It is almost as if the fan was created specifically for this little cutie, it is his own personal size fan. This puppy might be new to the world but he already knows that he does not like to be too hot. He is going to stay in front of this fan for as long as he can, that means until dinner time.

29. Ice, Ice, Baby
Get yourself a man that will love you as much as this man loves that ice. This man has never been more happier than he was in this moment. This ice cooler was like an oasis in the desert.

30. Family Pool Day
The family that sneaks into a pool together, stays together. These moose are going to take advantage of this easy accessible pool. The actual family must have been shocked to see their pool already in use. What a Canadian summer.

31. One Happy Dog
Have you ever seen a happier dog? This dog does not have to put in any effort to stay cool on hot days. His dad will give him a great spray down while he gets to lay on the deck. What a perfect summer dog day.

32. Any Fan Will Do
Desperate times call for desperate measures. This waiting room did not have any type of fan, so they created their own ceiling fan. Any type of fan is better than no fan.

33. Personal Spa Day
Most people want to bask in a cold pool on a hot summer day but he is all good with his manmade “spa.” The sun has made that water turn into a hot spa and he is taking advantage of it. Everyone deserves a spa day.

34. Toe Protectors
To be stylish or keep your toes from burning? These toe covers are not the prettiest but they will keep your toes nice and safe. Your toes would appreciate if you put your toes before style.

35. Worth The Risk
This pigeon has finally found shade but it’s in a risky location. This bird is going to take that risk because the shade is worth everything on hot summer days. Hopefully the owner of the car does not move the car all day and this pigeon can have a long and shady break.

36. Proof of Age
A nice cold beer is always a great remedy on a hot day and this doggie agrees. He knows he needed proof of age, so he made is own. He is not lying about his age, except that he is talking about dog years.

37. Summertime in Australia
Being a car mechanic during an Australian summer can be a very hard gig. They are busy with tire replacements all day, every day. They better make sure they have a high stock of tires before the summer gets too hot.

38. Heat Versus Wall
This wall in Arizona has the worst sun glare and it is making the entire wall melt. It would not make any sense to replace this wall because it is just going to melt as soon as the sun comes out. The sun is always going to win in this battle.

39. Don’t Make Me Go Outside!
Seattle is not known for their heat, it is known for its rain and gloom. So, when the sun finally came out in Seattle this dog was not very happy about it. It was only 70 degrees but that is already too hot for this little guy. He is begging with that adorable face to stay inside.

40. Dramatic But Worth It
This hat is not only perfect for shade, it also keeps everyone six feet away from you too. This might not have been in style before but it might be now in our new world. It is a fashion statement and protective gear all at once.

41. Frozen Treats
Everybody deserves frozen treats to stay cool on a hot day and that includes lions. This lion was given a block of frozen blood to snack on and stay cool. Yes, you read that right, that is actually frozen blood that the lion is licking. While he thinks yum, we will say yuck.

42. Floor is Lava
Is this a real life version of the “Floor is Lava?” The temperature of the ground is 153.3° fahrenheit! How can anyone actually walk on the ground? It might not actually be lava but it might as well be with that temperature.

43. No Shorts, No Problem
These boy students were told that shorts were not included in the school’s dress code, only pants. Yet, the girls are able to wear skirts. These boys care more about staying cool, so they joined the girls in their skirts. If the girls get to stay cool, so will they.

44. Protect The Paws
When it’s hot outside, always remember your animals paws can get burned from the hot ground. Arizona gets extremely hot. You know it is summertime in Arizona when the animals start wearing their paw protectors.

45. Summertime Candles
Candles are meant to melt but not this way. One woman came home and found her candles had melted in her hot apartment. These candles melted before they were ever even lit.

46. Mega Vitamin Gummy
It is a rookie mistake to leave items in your car when you live in a hot climate. He left his multivitamins in the car and the heat turned the vitamin gummy’s into one mega gummy. He is going to have to take his daily vitamin bite by bite.

47. Puddles For The Win
Humans might come here for the historical site but this dog comes for the deep puddles. He is such a rebel that he is not even looking at the historical site behind him. This dog is only concerned with cooling down in the giant puddle.

48. Pine Sap
He just created a new deck at his house and the heat had a vision for the style of the deck. The heat baked the pine sap right out of the wood. That is some serious heat.

49. Heat Rises, Cat Melts
This cat heard that heat rises, so he is getting as flat to the ground as he can. This cat has melted into the furniture and does not plan on moving anytime soon. When you find a cold spot, you stay in it as long as you can. Smart cat.

50. Chasing Waterfalls
This fountain was only meant for decor but the family dog had another idea. This fountain is his small water spot now. TLC told him not to chase waterfalls but he just cannot help it on hot days. He is going to find that waterfall, no matter how small it is.

51. New Hangout Spot
If the first puppy thought he could sneak into the fridge alone, he was completely wrong. His buddies quickly joined in. It might be a tight fit but it is worth it.

52. Corn is Popping
Pennsylvania corn fields became so hot that the corn actually started to pop. This is popcorn that is right from the source. A quick snack for the person while they pull the rest of the corn from the same fate.

53. Scent of Melting Plastic
Who does not love the original car freshener scent of melted plastic? This scent can only be found in hot climates which makes it a collectable item. This one was found in the state of Texas.

54. Driving in Arizona Heat
She had two options: burn her hands or have sweaty oven mitt hands. She went with the right choice. There are always hot car struggles when you live in a hot climate. She found a solution to saving her hands from burning, now she needs a solution for her sweaty hands.

55. Melted Blinds
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, except for the melted blinds. That deserves a picture to shared throughout the world. These blinds are not going to block out the sun anymore because the sun melted them down.

56. Freeze the Toys
What do you give your dog on summer day? You regift her, her own toys but frozen within an ice block. This doggie is going to have to work to get her toys back. It will be one lick at a time.

57. Wait Your Turn
Water fountains are not only for humans anymore. This sheep has watched enough humans work the water fountain, it knows how to do it all on its own. Everybody needs to stay hydrated in the heat, even the sheep. Look at all that fur, can you imagine how much hotter he is than us?

58. Weather Forecast Nightmares
This weather forecast is sending its city straight to a doomsday. On Tuesday the sun was friendly, but it turns by Thursday and it is game over on Saturday. Enjoy your week in the Hamptons because you are not going to last long.

59. Sun or Oven?
Who needs an oven when you have a hot car? These cookies are baking just fine outside. This way the house does not have to get hot with the oven on too. It is a win win for everybody.

60. DIY Shade
If there is no decent shade during lunchtime, make the shade yourself. It is a DIY project to beat the heat. These construction workers got creative with their shady lunch spot but well worth it to eat in the shade.

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