It’s pretty rare that we encounter something that we haven’t seen before. Yet, that’s exactly what happened to these Internet users.
They came across some really random things while going about their day-to-day lives, and ultimately, decided to share their crazy experiences with the world. From cylindrical-shaped M&M’s to a broken car antenna that looks like a sinking boat, this list has all of our favorites.
It’s pretty uncommon to see these things. However, there are plenty of weird occurrences going on around us all of the time that we have no idea about. It’s both shocking and very cool to think about. Which one of these unbelievable photos is the most fascinating to you?
1. Square Donuts
Everybody knows that donuts are typically circular. However, these ones were formed in squares. They likely taste the exact same as normal round ones, but for some weird reason, we really want to try one.
2. Unshaken Paint
Have you ever wondered why they shake and stir up paint cans in the store before they give them to you? If they didn’t, your paint would look like this. It’s a weird blend of several colors and all of them just appear really gross.
3. Marble Veil
Believe it or not, this famous sculpture is completely made out of marble. It’s called the Veiled Christ. It was sculpted in 1753 by Giuseppe Sanmartino and features what appears to be a transparent veil over the face of the statue.
David Sivyer
4. Incorrect Sign
Something doesn’t look quite right about this McDonald’s sign. If you are an avid fast-food consumer, you’ll likely notice what’s missing straight away. It only has one arch!
5. Office Ceiling Inspection
People think that there is just empty space and insulation above the ceiling tiles in the office. However, you might be surprised by what you find up there. Here we have just one interesting possibility.
6. Jupiter’s Aurora
Have you ever heard of the Aurora Borealis? It turns out, Jupiter has its own version of the aurora as well. When viewed up close from space, it becomes very apparent how beautiful it is.
7. Cylindrical M&M
All of the M&M’s in this packet came out shaped in the standard shape except for one. It was the odd one out. It looked like a strange little candy pill.
8. Wall Of Vines
Can you guess what’s going on here? Despite what it may look like, the grass isn’t folding in on itself. There was a layer of thick vines hanging on the side of the building. One day, they simply got too heavy to remain attached.
9. Original Statue of Liberty
When the Statue of Liberty was first gifted to the United States from France it had a copper coating on the outside. It’s all worn off now, however, a talented artist reproduced what it would look like if restored back to its original glory. It’s even more stunning than usual!
10. Flaming Stove
If you take the metal tops off of the burners on a gas stove, all chaos breaks loose. That’s what this photo shows. The flames shoot straight up into the air.
11. Child’s Skull
While quite morbid to see, it’s also quite interesting. The kid was so young when he died that he still had all of his baby teeth and all of his adult teeth. The skull shows multiple rows.
12. Patio Snow
For whatever reason, the snow melted in the middle of the bricks first. All of the snow that was on the edges of the bricks remained intact, creating this cool pattern. Walking over it would be such a shame.
13. Tumbleweed Sighting
Tumbleweeds are an image that is iconic to the wild west. In all of the old western movies, there is always a tumbleweed or two rolling across the prairie. Have you ever seen one when it was still green and healthy though?
14. Shellless Egg
Every once and a while, chickens lay an egg with no shell. It just has the squishy inner part and doesn’t even need to be cracked. It can be tossed in the pan and cooked as is.
15. Stubborn Apples
Here we have an apple tree that still has all of the apples but none of the leaves. Typically, it’s the opposite. The heavy apples start to fall down first!
16. Polished Coconut
Polishing a coconut is pretty much the last thing that most of us would think of doing. However, if you were to polish one and remove all the rough exterior, this is what it looks like. It’s super shiny.
17. Blurry Tree
The way that the leaves are arranged on this Rising Sun Redbud tree is really bizarre. It causes us to get a little bit of motion sickness just by looking at it. It’s so hard to focus on!
18. Festive Lettuce
Lettuce is meant to be picked pretty early. If you let it grow for too long, it can start to get kind of wild. For example, this fancy lettuce plant grew into what appears to be a tiny Christmas tree.
19. New Fire Hydrant
We only ever see the top part of fire hydrants. Yet, they are actually a lot longer than you would think. This is what one looks like before it has been installed in the ground.
20. Sphinx In Reverse
The Sphinx is one of the most iconic sights in Egypt. Everyone knows what the famous statue looks like from the front. It has a human head and the body of a lion. However, from the backside, it looks like a big blob.
21. Tiny Bird Popcorn
Popcorn is a standard snack that everyone has had before. However, corn kernels aren’t the only type of seeds that can be popped. For example, here we have some popped birdseed sitting next to a pen for scale.
22. Melting M&M’s
Toss three different colored M&M’s into a dish of water and something shocking happens. Due to the power of diffusion barriers, the colors don’t mix. They each stay in their own area.
23. Tiny Boat Record
Hugo Vihlen sailed all the way from Newfoundland to England in 115 days. It was the smallest boat in history to ever cross the Atlantic Ocean. There was no room for him to even move around!
24. Blue Bird Nest
When it comes to nesting, it’s a natural instinct. Making the home look nice is always important. Even birds can get decorative occasionally.
25. Soapy Disaster
Those aren’t clouds of smoke sitting next to the truck. They are actually soap bubbles. Someone decided that it would be a good idea to put dish soap in the public fountain.
26. Making Bottles
This is what a one-liter plastic bottle looks like before it expands. It starts in the shape of a little test tube. Then they inflate the bottle with air to get it to its desired size.
27. Mild & Hot Pepper
They say that the color of a chili pepper determines the amount of heat it delivers. Although, we have no idea what to make of this one. Does it get slightly spicier with every bite?
28. Shattered Marble
This looks like some sort of fancy crystal. However, it’s actually a simple marble. If you take a marble, heat it up under a flame, and then drop it into a glass of cold water, this is the result.
29. Colorful Sands
All of these samples were collected from different parts of the Sahara. Apparently, sand doesn’t just come in one color. Even in the same desert, there can be a lot of variation.
30. Floating Money
Not all coins across the world are created equally. For example, the one yen coin in Japan is so light that it floats on top of water. It attempts to break the surface tension but doesn’t quite get there.
31. Fiery Palm Tree
“One of the fireworks I took a picture of last night looks like a palm tree in the wind,” explains the photographer. It’s not easy taking a good firework photo. Occasionally, you get really lucky with the results.
32. Barbershop Floor
If you shuffle around the floor on the same spots for long enough, it starts to leave a pattern. That’s what happened at this barbershop. There are some areas of the floor that are very well-defined.
33. Traffic Light Size
Traffic lights don’t look that large when you are observing them from down in your vehicle. If you get up close though, you might be surprised by how big they actually are. In other words, they are probably bigger than you are.
34. Skittles Wine
What do you think would happen if you threw some Skittles into a glass of wine? It would be an interesting experiment. Luckily for us, it has already been done.
35. Space Flower
This photo shows one of the first flowers grown in space. It’s strangely beautiful. Technically, it’s a Zinnia, however, it looks very different from the Zinnias grown on Earth.
36. Ants Drinking Water
It looks like the ants are definitely thirsty here. All of them rushed towards the little droplet of water and completely surrounded it. There are only a few spaces left now.
37. Double Negative
Here we have a negative photo of a negative photo on a phone. As you would expect, it reverses the original negative. It creates a really neat effect.
38. Baby Snake
We have special names for baby cats and dogs such as kittens and puppies. It only makes sense that there are special names for baby snakes as well. Apparently, they are called snakelets, and they are super cute.
39. Installing Gas Pumps
This is what it looks like when building a new gas station. Underneath all of the gas pumps, there is a lot of equipment. It’s a sight that’s rarely seen, and really, it raises more questions than it answers.
40. Road Layers
We typically only see the surface of a road. However, there are actually several different layers underneath. Taking a sample out of the road like this to examine its condition is called road coring.
41. Curly Cat
At first glance, we thought that this was a little puppy. However, it turns out, it’s actually a cat with curls. Her fur is so unique!
42. Salty Fanta
In other countries, many of our favorite brands come in really unique flavors. For example, here we have a Japanese Fanta flavored like salty watermelon. A salty soda is definitely not something people in the USA are accustomed to. That’s for sure!
43. Morning Frost
These boards appear to have a floral pattern painted on them. However, it’s completely natural. It’s how the frost formed on them in the morning.
44. Crab Filling
What do muscles eat? If you look closely, you’ll see that at least one of the foods on the menu are tiny crabs. That’s what this diner discovered when he cracked open his dinner dish.
45. Frozen Egg
Frozen eggs aren’t ideal, but if your fridge accidentally gets too cold, it’s not that uncommon either. You will probably find yourself in this same situation at least once in your lifetime. You can remove the entire shell of a frozen egg, but the center will be as hard as a rock.
46. Circle Of Foam
“The whirlpool in this stream collected foam and created a perfect circular foam wheel,” explains the outdoor enthusiast. It’s not something that you see every day. It doesn’t look natural at all, but we assure you, it really is.
47. Stream Crossing
Someone built a small bridge so that one stream could cross the other stream. They could have easily just let them flow together, but two is always better than one, right?
48. Long Grape
Apparently, there is a big market for grapes that come out looking differently than other varieties. They come in all shapes and sizes ranging from Witch Fingers to Moon Drops. Not only are they longer than average, but the taste is pretty divine too.
49. Black Toilet Paper
There isn’t any real reason why toilet paper has to be white. Although, it is what we are used to. Seeing dark-colored toilet paper just seems so wrong!
50. Car Antenna Illusion
If you guessed that this was a sinking boat, you guessed wrong. It’s actually a broken car antenna! When viewed up close, it changes the perspective in a really surprising way.
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