What would we do without our pets? They make us laugh, keep us company, and just make our lives a little better. All good pet owners take their pets to the vet regularly to keep them healthy. Most pets don’t look forward to it, though.

Pets that need serious procedures, such as surgery, spay, or neuter, have to be sedated. This is done so they don’t feel pain or fear. Most vets let pet owners take their pets home a short time after surgery. Many of them are still feeling the effects of their medicine.

Some pets are even sent home with muscle relaxers or pain medications to help keep them comfortable while they recover. Pets react to medicine the same way people do. What works to stop the pain can also make them a little loopy.

These pet owners happened to snap some photos of their pets while they were still feeling the effects of sedation or medication. These poor pets don’t know what’s going on. Some of them seem aggravated, and others seem to be OK with it.