It has been noted that young ladies who are labeled “cute” might grow up thinking that only good looks lead to success, but this powerful young one is putting that rumor to rest.
Ellen discovers that this little lady is beyond just cute, she’s also a stellar student and her favorite class is science.
Recently, Tabitha Garcia and her daughter Taylor were invited to appear on The Ellen Show, and the audience saw how both cute and smart can be bundled in one amazing little person.

Taylor is a seven year old from Texas that ran into a problem one day at school. Her favorite pencil went missing.
Taylor tells Ellen, it wasn’t any old pencil, no, this was her Pink Perfect Attendance Pencil.

When she discovered that her classmate was using the pencil, Taylor couldn’t stand it.
The little lady’s rant was captured on her mom’s phone, and quickly went viral when posted on instagram. As of this writing, the instagram post has received over 485k views, almost 900k comments, and gained Taylor and her mom a whopping 202k followers.

“I would say ten, because I earned the pencil, and I really liked that pencil.”

In the instagram video, Taylor explains what happened when she couldn’t find her pencil.
“When I unpacked, I went to go get my pencil. And guess what I saw? Nothing but yellow, plain old pencils. Somebody, and I know who, stole my perfect attendance pencil.”

Ellen soon found out that this wasn’t the only time Taylor was awarded the coveted pencil.
“Is this the first time you’ve had a perfect attendance pencil?” Ellen asked.“No, I get one every year.” Taylor replied.“Oh, you do? Wow, that’s amazing.” Ellen noted.

Ellen knows just how important perfect attendance is to Taylor.
The comedian took the time to write a note to the principle, excusing Taylor for the day to attend the taping of The Ellen Show.

Taylor’s mom, Tabitha, is very proud of her daughter and uses her instagram to share her daughter’s achievements and highlight her charming personality.
Taylor is also here to dispel the terrible rumor going around, that science and girls don’t mix. A new generation of young ladies, including Taylor, are showing just how wrong that stereotype is.
Ellen asked Taylor, “Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be a science teacher.” was the young scientist’s reply.

“I know there’s still some very archaic thinking around girls and science and math, but I think this generation of girls doesn’t care.” says Emmy-award winning actress Laura Dern in an interview for Fast Company.
According to The National Girls Collaborative Project, “female students were slightly more likely than male students to take advanced biology (13% versus 10%) and slightly less likely to take advanced physics (4% versus 7%).”
This shows we have come a long way, but still more work can be done to encourage our young ladies to explore the sciences.

Ellen had a gift for Taylor, which not only brought a huge gasp to Taylor and the audience, but was huge in itself.
The talk show host gave Taylor a larger than life, personalized pencil that will no doubt be a treasured family memory for years to come.

But Ellen wasn’t done. At the end of the show, she had another surprise for Taylor.
In order to give her a better chance at success, Ellen joined with Shutterfly, a popular image sharing company, to offer her a $10,000 scholarship.
“I love that you care about school so much. And Shutterfly loves that you have perfect attendance, so they’re going to give you a $10,000 scholarship to make sure you go to college.”

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