Freedom of speech, it has to be said, has been abused and taken to ridiculous levels mostly thanks to social media. Take Twitter for example. Whether it’s 140 or 280 characters, it is the one social network that rewards people roasting others they’ve never met.

All those burns and comebacks are immortalized thanks to modern technology. And we’re all for it. Go through this list and see which one makes you laugh hardest, starting with:

A moo-ving sentiment

So you know how you can tell someone’s vegan? Yeah, they’ll let you know themselves. But we guess we can’t fault PETA for their efforts to protect animals.

Sure it’s also a good idea to cut back on meat consumption, but you do have to question their methods at times. If the aim is for us to empathize with animals, PETA, then reminding us we have very few friends isn’t the best tactic.