TikTok has gotten pretty popular during the coronavirus pandemic. And even if you’re not on TikTok, nowadays you’ll find TikToks making their way onto Instagram or Facebook. Initially, I definitely wasn’t excited about the fact that I now had to constantly see dancing bikini-clad young women in my feed all day.

It’s just not something I am personally into. But there has been one thing recently that has made me REAL excited about the rise of TikTok. It’s the HEB store cashier TikToks.

People are imposing their upper halves over the bottom half of an HEB cashier who is scanning groceries. Some of them are just boring, but the others… freaking hilarious. Some have dogs, some have just the greatest facial expressions ever, and others completely exemplify a cashier you know. It’s a TikTok trend that has definitely entertained lots of us during quarantine so we picked out our favorites for you to feast your eyes on… enjoy!