It’s often the simplest tasks that get messed up the most. People get too comfortable and then let careless mistakes happen. That’s what happened here. These 41 people each had one job to do, that’s it! But they somehow managed to screw it up.
For example, the person who accidentally hung up a holiday light display in the center of town that looked like a bunch of women’s underwear. It’s not exactly the kid-friendly display that the boss had in mind.
However, even though these individuals completely dropped the ball, it doesn’t mean that they deserve to be fired. It does mean we get to laugh at and make fun of them though. These mistakes are just too easy to pick on — the jokes practically write themselves. Once you check them out for yourself, you’ll see what we mean.

1. Not Lining Up
Whoever attached the latches to the underground access panel really messed up. They put them on the wrong side, causing the panel to completely clash with the rest of the sidewalk after it was installed.

2. Sanitary Floatie
Someone accidentally designed a pool raft that looks like a maxi pad. They could have chosen any other color or shape, but this is what they settled on. Now that it’s on the shelves, there is no turning back.

3. Eating Garbage
The person responsible for typing up the TV show description accidentally got his shows mixed up. However, the description is pretty fitting to the situation anyway. Depending on your opinion about the series, it could still be considered accurate.

4. Gnome Salt Shaker
It’s a beautifully crafted gnome. There is just one problem — someone designed the man with eyeholes in the back of his head. Now when flipped around, it looks like a Klan member wearing a white hood.

5. Open 24 Hours
This sign is for a McDonald’s in the town of Yass. However, the person who positioned the “M” before the Yass didn’t really think it through. When placed in that order, it reads a little differently.

6. Shopping Mall Horror
Hanging up mannequins from the ceiling sounds like a good idea in theory. It allows for more visibility of the display and doesn’t waste floor space. However, from the wrong angle, it looks like several girls were strung up by their necks.

7. Apply Now
One wrong letter was all it took on this outdoor McDonald’s sign to completely change the meaning. The spelling error had passerby thinking that the restaurant was hiring smelling pieces of poop instead of smiling faces.

8. No Doggie Style
Pretty much anything could be going on under that red line. The view is blocked, so who knows what the man and dog are doing. The original image was very wholesome though, we’re sure. It’s just hard to tell now.

9. Red Cucumbers
This funny screwup was spotted in a local grocery store flyer. Someone labeled the tomatoes as cucumbers. They must have forgotten what the different vegetables looked like.

10. Smeared Poop
This cultured marble countertop pattern might be okay for a kitchen, but definitely not for a bathroom sink. In the bathroom, the brown smears could easily be mistaken for something else.

11. Out Of Stock
The server was in a hurry when he penned the note for the drink machine. Unfortunately, his mind didn’t come up with the right word at the time. It was a hilarious lapse of judgment.

12. Cycling Nude
This Columbian women’s cycling team has the best uniforms. To outsiders, it appears as though the uniforms are flesh-colored. The designer refuses to acknowledge that there is anything wrong though.

13. Find Out The Website
The text directing customers to AAA’s Daily Fuel Gauge Report online lists the wrong website address. It’s not due to a spelling error, but instead, the person responsible for filling it in forgot to actually look it up.

14. Elevator Sign
The design of this elevator sign logo features a glaring error. The white lines on the tops of the peoples’ heads look like ropes. Death is the last thing anyone wants to think about when getting pulled up 20 stories in a tiny metal box.

15. Enter At Your Own Risk
Brodie Food Mart experienced a partial sign outage. It converted their name into something slightly more ominous-sounding. It is the sort of convenience store sign that we would expect to see in a post-apocalyptic world.

LOL factory Reloaded
16. Injured Platypus
This tea ball is shaped like a platypus. It seems like a cute design, at least until the first time you use it. That’s when you realize that the tea coming through the holes looks like blood pouring out.

17. Sour Fruits
At this grocery store, the shelf stockers have one job to do — put things in the correct spots. It sounds easy, but sometimes they get the lemons and limes confused. Hopefully, the shoppers know which one to grab.

18. X-Rated Labeling
It’s a pretty massive fail. They managed to make an innocent picture of a child holding an elderly person’s hand look like a sex scene. The rounded shape of the bottle means only a few fingers from the hand are visible at a time.

19. Pipe Placement
The architect responsible for organizing where all the pipes would go chose a pretty awful position for this one. It makes it so that the door must always be either permanently open or permanently half-closed.

20. A Long Stretch
If you don’t pay close attention when using this hotel bathroom, you might find yourself in a pretty crappy situation. The only way that you can reach the toilet paper from the toilet is if you have 12-foot-long arms.

21. Chocolate Fudge Pop-Tards
Not only does the sign say “tards” instead of” tarts”, but they also hung it up directly under the chocolate fudge pop-tarts. It’s as if the mistake wasn’t bad enough already… they decided to position it for the greatest possible impact.

22. Bathroom Sign Design
We get what they were going for with this bathroom sign. It’s supposed to show a baby-changing station. However, it looks more like a man holding a big phallic object.

23. Breakfast Poop
This person made a similar pop-tart labeling mistake. It has the same connotation as the last one, but it’s even more blatant. It straight up calls the microwavable breakfast pastries poop.

24. Hammerin’ Away
The man has a hammer in each hand. However, the design doesn’t really work when viewed in silhouette form. In order to differentiate between the hammer and certain other body parts, we would need some additional color.

25. Balcony Access
These balconies could be really useful. The only issue is how to access them? There are no doors. However, we suppose you could potentially crawl through one of the corner window panes to get out there.

26. Watering The Lawn
This graphic artist definitely needs someone to check over his work next time before releasing it to the world. In case you were wondering, it’s actually a bag of lawn seed. The boy with the hose was just added for fun.

27. Women’s Urinals
This person’s job for the day was to hang up the bathroom signs outside each bathroom. Unfortunately, they did it wrong. As you can easily see from peering inside, this is clearly not the women’s bathroom.

28. Finger Ornament
Is it a baby Jesus Christmas tree ornament or a severed thumb? At first glance, it appears as though it’s the latter. However, if you look closely, you’ll notice that there are a couple of eye and hair lines painted on there.

29. Wrong Utensil
It reads as though it is an advertisement for a sauce ladle. Although, the picture would lead a person to believe otherwise. It shows a pretty standard-looking fork.

30. Split Hazard
A slide with multiple paths to choose from seems like such a fun idea at first. However, if you miss the mark by just a few inches, it can easily result in a painful accident. Make sure not to split your legs!

31. Days In September
Do you notice any problems with this calendar? It took us a minute to figure out what was going on. It turns out, the month of September only has 30 days, not 31. This designer had no idea.

32. Don’t Overshoot
The person who hung up this basketball hoop didn’t think it through. Literally, any other place on the wall would have been a better spot. We give it three shots before the window ends up becoming a backboard.

33. Steep Entrance
The sign points to where the handicap ramp is supposed to be, but it definitely isn’t. Unfortunately, the additional set of stairs probably isn’t going to help the people who try to enter the building in wheelchairs very much.

34. Squatting Painter
This business logo is pretty chaotic. Our best guess is that it is representing a painting company. However, the paintbrush placement was a really bad design choice.

35. Running Water
This is “what $1450 of rent gets you in Manhattan,” the man explains. His bathroom sink faucet isn’t even located overtop of the sink. Instead, it sprays off of the back edge, getting water everywhere.

36. Logical Order
The order of the numbers on this elevator makes no sense. It could easily take a person minute to find the button they are looking for. We imagine it causes quite a lot of delays for the people who frequent the building.

37. Fan Installation
Not only is it missing a fan blade, but it was also installed so that it bumps into the wall. There is literally zero way for it to rotate, thus defeating the entire purpose of having a ceiling fan in the first place.

38. Third Leg Leggings
There was a massive oversight in the design of these women’s leggings. The upside-down tower pattern in the crotch area could easily be mistaken for a male body part. It’s a pretty hilarious goof.

39. Hand Washing Problems
This soap dispenser was positioned close to the counter for easy access. Sadly, it’s a little too close. There is barely enough of a gap to get your hands underneath it.

40. Transparent Door
Someone came up with the brilliant idea of installing a glass window on a bathroom door. Most people are hoping for some privacy when using the bathroom. However, in this house, you’ll get very little of it.

41. Unfortunate Handle Placement
Those handles just so happened to be installed in the most unfortunate place.

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