“Karma’s a b*tch.” Does that sound familiar? Perhaps someone said it to you or maybe you’ve said it to someone.
So, what is karma? It simply means “what goes around comes around.” In other words, if an individual does something bad, their actions will eventually catch up to them in some form of consequence, usually similar to what they did.
If you’re someone who doesn’t think karma is real, these 40 examples might change your mind or at least make you think about it.
We’re not sure who this brick will hit, but it’s karma in the making. When the right individual walks by, it’ll drop right on cue. Its target is going to have a really bad day.
Not wanting his significant other to know he bought something, this guy had it delivered to a local post office. He thought he got one over her. That was until he went to retrieve it and it was stuck inside the box.
Don’t get mad the next time your mail carrier is late. Otherwise, you could invite karma into your life. In this case, it was a possum who bit the homeowner trying to retrieve his mail.
In Turkey, people gathered to celebrate Pride Day. Trying to get them to leave, police sprayed water cannons. How ironic that their karma came in the form of a rainbow.
Trying to lose weight, an individual knew that sweets were off-limits. But when it came to ice cream, they couldn’t resist. So, they bought the largest size available but being doubled wrapped, they ended up with less than expected.
People do it all the time. You know, take food out of the refrigerator at work that doesn’t belong to them. Remember the saying — “karma’s a bitch.”
7. Who are you going to trust?
Oh, the dilemma. Unless this person wants to get hit by karma, we suggest they obey the sign. If not, you know there’s a police officer just waiting to hand them a ticket.
She thinks she’s so sly. Giving her friend bunny ears without her knowing it. But then came karma in the form of devil ears.
Yes, this person knew they should pay the rent. But dang, they really wanted a new monitor instead. Well, they got one, although when it arrived, this is how it looked.
Hey, partying with your best friend is fun. But after having a little too much to drink, they quickly become obnoxious. What do you want to bet this guy hasn’t touched a party favor since?
If you ever hit a vehicle, don’t leave the scene. If you do, you can expect to get arrested. Thanks to karma, something like this is bound to happen.
12. Do-it-yourself mechanic
In life, you have to know your limitations. This person insisted they knew how to work on cars when in fact, they didn’t. While driving down the road, he heard a large bang.
Was it worth it? Especially when all they got out of the deal was 18 cigarettes? We’re guessing this person regrets their decision to steal.
All this kitty had to do was sit still. It would’ve been over very quickly. But no, he had to fight tooth and nail, which resulted in karma.
15. Should’ve paid attention
The signs that warn people not to park on the beach are there for a reason. This would be one of them. Low tide sucks.
…well, at least she did in this case. She told her husband the material he chose wouldn’t work for the bathroom sink. But as you can see, he didn’t listen.
17. Several scratches later
For whatever reason, this man wanted to see how his son’s
cat would react to the snow. You can hear his son say “dad” in a tone like “this isn’t a good idea.” And it wasn’t.
18. Get a ladder they said
But hey, that would’ve been the logical thing to do. Instead, they did this. You have to wonder how many more things they’ll add before someone finally goes with the original idea.
While enjoying a leisurely day kayaking, a guy almost got knocked over by this group of men. When he finally made it to shore this was what he saw. Yeah, who’s laughing now?
In case you don’t know, there’s a right and wrong way to load a dishwasher. There’s also that one person who has to do things their way. You guessed it, someone tried to buck the system.
21. Same story, different victim
We said it once and we’ll say it again. Never leave the scene of an accident. Not only did the individual who hit this man’s car leave his license plate behind but also a big chunk of his vehicle.
So I was driving to the gym, and some asshat t-bones my car and drives off… BUT HE FORGOT THIS. ^_^
Posted by Rex Borova on Monday, March 11, 2013
22. Don’t make people mad
Especially on purpose. From the looks of it, someone made Thor angry. The proof is in the hammer.
23. Hand caught in the cookie jar
Or in this case,
paw in the treat jar. The owner of this cat keeps his favorite treats in a jar. Well, he found a way to steal them but after dropping one to the floor to enjoy, the dog ate it.
As we said, dieting is so hard. One person gave into their cravings for cookies with a jelly center. Well, karma hit back.
The person driving this new Jaguar thought they were better than all the other drivers on the road. They felt they shouldn’t have to sit in a long line of traffic. So, they took a little detour but immediately regretted it.
26. She just wanted to play
When asked if she could play on the computer, this little girl’s dad told her no. So, she waited until he left the room to take it to a secluded area of the house to play with it. Maybe he should’ve said yes.
The thing about karma is that you don’t have to do anything to make it happen. It just magically hits at the right time. In this case, someone kept parking in a guy’s designated spot and a tree fell on it.
28. Heed a friend’s advice
If you have a friend you trust, consider heeding any advice they offer. If this individual had done just that, their canoe wouldn’t have become stuck. They were told not to launch in that area because there was too much underwater debris.
29. All the evidence needed
The person who broke into this car wasn’t very bright. As you can see, they caused quite a bit of damage. They also left their wallet in the back seat.
This bit of karma hits twice. First, the man lost his wedding ring. Second, he lost it in a strip club, a place his wife didn’t approve of.
We have no idea what this person did but it must’ve been bad. It’s one thing to have a black cat cross your path. It’s something entirely different when it’s an alligator.
32. Get off the cell phone
This little boy had enough. He was tired of his dad spending all his time on his cell phone instead of playing with him. So, he handled the situation his way … or more like karma’s way.
The next time someone thinks about cutting a car off, they should remember this. Just imagine having the hood fly open. That should be enough for a major attitude change.
A lot of businesses don’t allow public to park on their lot. This is especially true in downtown areas. Instead of having this car towed, the lot owner left a note on the windshield that read, “karma.”
Seldom does karma give you a warning. Typically, it just happens. But this individual was nice enough to let whoever stole her boots know what was coming.
Come on, you know you’re hoping the teen reads this before realizing his phone is missing. You can see him running outside to check the top of his car. Hey buddy, keep your middle finger to yourself.
37. Two thumbs up for the donkey
Look, boys will be boys, especially if they’re brothers. But the older ones should be nice to the younger ones who look up to them. That didn’t happen here but no worries, the donkey took care of things.
38. Karma applies to everyone
That includes law enforcement. Here, a cop parked illegally. The person giving out parking tickets didn’t find it humorous.
When it comes to icy roads, it doesn’t matter what you drive. Well, try telling this guy. Yeah, in his big four-wheel-drive truck, he’ll show everyone up … then again, maybe not.
40. We see retribution in this guy’s future
This crew worked all day to lay concrete. They were almost done when a guy got tired of waiting in a line of cars. You have to wonder how much money that mistake is going to cost him.
Marina, SF, today – dude tries to get around a line of stopped cars and drives right into fresh cement.
Oops, fail.
(Courtesy of Bobswire @ Paceline)
Posted by Jim Santos on Thursday, February 16, 2012
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Source: reddit/funny
“Karma’s a b*tch.” Does that sound familiar? Perhaps someone said it to you or maybe you’ve said it to someone.
So, what is karma? It simply means “what goes around comes around.” In other words, if an individual does something bad, their actions will eventually catch up to them in some form of consequence, usually similar to what they did.
If you’re someone who doesn’t think karma is real, these 40 examples might change your mind or at least make you think about it.