There are all kinds of reasons that we love our significant others. We love them for their kindness, their compassion, and the way they treat us. Maybe we first fell in love with them because of their sense of humor. Or their thoughtfulness in how they treated others.

It’s even possible to love someone who’s just not all that smart. It happens to the best of us. Being intelligent isn’t all that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. For instance, it’s not as important as being kind, generous, or honest.

Even if you’re with someone who’s smart, you’re bound to eventually have “the moment.” It happens in every relationship: the instant you wonder, “Am I dating an idiot?”

For most of us, it’s a moment that happens after a brain fart. Even intelligent people can forget a common word or accidentally throw something of importance in the garbage. It might even be a misunderstanding. But in every relationship, both people wonder if the other one’s been stupid the whole time.

And sometimes, the proof is in the pudding. We keep loving those dopey people anyway because let’s face it, often, their silly moments are part of their charm.

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