We are used to getting receipts whenever we go to restaurants. Sometimes, we get too familiar with these tiny slips of paper that we fail to look at them really hard and see the difference from one restaurant’s receipt from another. Apparently, these receipts are not all business because some actually have the weirdest things written on them!
The next 50 slides will show the weirdest and funniest receipts ever. Read on and have a good laugh over these hilarious receipts posted on the internet.
1) Abraham Lincoln is back.
Apparently, one restaurant had the chance to meet Abraham Lincoln, who obviously awoke from the dead, I suppose? This customer meant to be funny but seeing a dead man’s signature is not exactly something that will make a server smile.
2) Generous tipper
This one’s not exactly a funny receipt but I’m pretty sure the server for this customer felt so blessed after seeing the note on it. We could really use a lot of these kinds of tippers!
3) He asked the server out!
This one’s kind of sweet. But, this customer could have just made things easier by personally asking the waitress out instead of writing it down on the receipt! What if she didn’t get the receipt at all?
4) What a sweet birthday surprise!
It really pays to go the extra mile when it comes to being a great server. This birthday celebrant was just so sweet that he decided to give the server a generous tip for a job well done.
5) Discount due to well behaved kids
We’re not exactly sure why having well behaved kids deserve a discount at this restaurant. What if the customers’ kids throw a tantrum? Will they have additional cost instead?
6) You fail, too!
That is just a rude customer! Some folks really go out of their way just to humiliate other people.
7) Wow, I totally heard that in my head!
This receipt seems to have a life of its own. With every letter in upper case and a few more “Y”‘s than necessary, the statement on the last part of this receipt becomes so easy to hear in one’s mind!
8) Does anyone ever really read this?
This receipt just mentioned the unspoken question of whether anybody ever reads what receipts say. Apparently, yes, these receipts are being read that’s why this one ended up on the internet!
9) “I don’t make milk yet”
This is simply unfathomable. In plain words, we can’t understand it at all! Why would someone write that on a receipt anyway?
10) That’s a great tip, though.
This is not exactly the tip that the server was expecting, but it’s still a great piece of advice. But, next time, just provide the right kind of tip, witty customer.
11) This guy might be drunk but he was sweet!
This is just so sweet! The customer might have been drunk but that did not stop them from recognizing the efforts of their server.
12) This truly dramatic restaurant
We’re not sure why this receipt punched a very exclamatory “Fire!” in their receipt. It’s not just weird, but it’s also super dramatic.
13) At least, the typo was fixed!
The typo is only for one cent, but at least the mistake was fixed. We can somehow imagine a really meticulous person writing this on the receipt.
14) Garlic breath is sexy
Some people love garlic but they are not really keen on having garlic breath so they hesitate in getting garlic-rich dishes. This receipt reminds them that there is nothing to be ashamed about because garlic breath is sexy!
15) Another “naked George” receipt
The person who posted this funny receipt said that this restaurant prints this message whenever a birthday celebrant spends their special day in their place. Are they just printing a template or purposely making fun of the message in the receipt?
16) That’s just rude!
Being a server in a restaurant is a real job, too. This message in the receipt is really humiliating for our servers so please, do not be rude and appreciate the way they do their jobs.
17) Tip exceeds food amount
This is another tipper who knows how to appreciate the work of servers. We hope to have more customers like this!
18) A poetic receipt
This receipt has a “haiku” in it. It may seem poetic at first, but it ended up having to be nonsense after all.
19) An honest customer
This customer deserves to be credited for their brutal honesty but is this really something you should be proud of? Let’s just hope this customer got home safely given that it is already one in the morning when they bought their steak.
20) What a mean thing to say!
This one’s not a funny thing to say at all, Jeff. You don’t get to body shame women and proudly write it in the receipt! We just hope that the girls referred to in here stood up for themselves and gave this server a piece of their mind.
21) Who does this?
There can be really weird requests from customers and sometimes, the receipts become the vessels for these kinds of immature pleas. This one probably takes the cake in the list of weirdest requests ever written on receipts.
22) Another honest customer here
Math is not exactly the most popular of all the subjects at school. This person probably hated Math at school and is not ashamed to admit that he can’t do anything about it at all.
23) Weird discount criteria
We are all so used to discounts in our favorite restaurants. However, this list of reasons on why the customer got discounts is just so weird it’s bordering on creepy! Best butt? Really?
24) Children are the scariest.
Apparently, this server thinks that nothing is scarier than having children. Let’s just say this statement can be true sometimes.
25) Internet lingo
We hear all sorts of internet lingo these days and to be honest, some of them are not that difficult to understand. Just like this receipt from EB Games that we totally get though it doesn’t exactly sound like English at all!
26) Celebrity clerk in the house!
Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Or is this receipt really saying that Lady Gaga was the clerk who processed it?
27) There’s a glitch in the matrix
Everybody knows about “The Matrix”. Who can ever forget Keanu Reeves in his black coat and dark shades? Apparently, some people are quite convinced that we are just in a simulation and Neo, Keanu’s character, needs to wake up.
28) This Indian restaurant who is considerate of their customers
For some people who are not used to eating spicy food, trying out cuisines that lean more on spices is a big challenge. Thankfully, there are restaurants like this considerate Indian food house that thinks about their foreign customers.
29) Good luck, Mom-to-be!
Pregnant women are always given priority especially in heavily crowded places. This restaurant takes it a mile further when they even wished their pregnant customer good luck with motherhood through their receipt.
30) “Booby” is my name
Is this just a typo? It’s just kinda weird to call yourself that way, to be honest.
31) Ninjas in the parking lot
This is an interesting claim, really. This warning makes me want to see the ninjas even more now!
32) Witty tipper strikes again
Of course, your tip needs to be in cash. Writing the word “cash” is quite witty, but you could have just left it blank rather than to pull a prank on your poor server.
33) Two tips in one receipt
This smart tipper made sure that the server knows about the value of pi. And he also gave a monetary tip so this is actually a double tip!
34) It started sweet and ended up with sarcasm
Imagine being a server and making this mistake of assuming and saying the wrong words to your customer. The lady knew how to do heavy sarcasm, apparently.
35) Was this really necessary?
Cashiers can be of any color and most people would normally not mind. Why do they even have to put this on the receipt?
36) Shake it!
This should be encouraging but it comes off as a bit weird. He even drew the bacon to illustrate what he meant.
37) Charge for giving off bad air
I did not know their was such a thing as “farting charge” until I saw this odd receipt. And it costs more than a buck!
38) This can be a good cartoon
We always see different soda brands and yet, no one ever thought of them coming to life and fighting with one another. Well, except this customer whose imagination is absolutely colorful, not to mention weird, too.
39) An artistic display
Art can come in many forms. Clearly, receipts can also be great canvasses of amazing art work.
40) “Luv ur tan!”
Getting a perfect tan is not easy. So when people recognize your great tan, be sure to thank them. Or it could be the other way around. If you see a person with beautiful tan, let them know just like what the server did in this receipt.
41) Thank you what?
Saying these kinds of things can be really immature. The red ink made the insult even more humiliating.
42) The devil was in their restaurant.
Seeing this in a receipt is totally creepy! Even if this was just a joke, it definitely made the server’s heart skip a beat, I’m sure.
43) Thank you for being weird.
Some people just don’t get how others think. If you feel like there are weird people around you, try thinking about it this way. They are just not weird in the same way you are.
44) Two Cents
To be honest, this customer’s two cents does not even give them the right to say those mean things. You can criticize but make them constructive, at least, and not rude.
45) What an unfortunate play of names
This server may have a sad name but don’t be too quick to judge. Give the man a chance to serve you better, instead of just focusing on his name.
46) Another weird name
Here’s another otherworldly name on this list. Is this really their real name? I hope not because that would be really unfortunate.
47) What’s your order again?
Wow. This takes the cake in the weirdest orders given ever! I did not know you could order these kinds of things until I saw this receipt.
48) “That’s what she said”
It’s great to be dedicated to being excellent at work but when it’s over the top, it becomes utter foolishness. Just like this server who wrote things in verbatim and ended up listing down the silliest of things!
49) What juice again?
Sometimes, a mistyped letter can bring really big effects on what we see. Like this “whole” juice that turned into a weird product just because of a single incorrect letter!
50) Yo Mama!
This final receipt is definitely a great reminder to laugh whenever possible, even after spending almost 40 bucks on burgers. Reading a funny joke once in a while is good for you!
51) Wait a Second…
Do people really write things like this on their recipts? What in the…? You don’t even know this person!
52) Leave Your Beliefs Out of This
Whoa, whoa. Just tip and dip. There isn’t any need to impose your strong, personal beliefs onto others.
I’ll take the (cash) tip, though.
53) Excuse Me?
Really, it could be anything. Right?
54) Typos
I expected better out of Washington. I know it isn’t DC but still, it’s Washington!
55) All It Takes Is One Letter
If your company doesn’t know how to spell, hire this person. You all might learn something. This customer deserves a cash tip!
56) Space Put a Smile on Your Face
Well, there you have it – another customer drawing! These never get old. There are so many talented people in this world.
57) What Does Loyalty Cost
Well, when you’re at odds with your customer’s favorite football team, you gotta flex, I guess. But this flex might be his last at the company!
58) Dramatic
Thanks… for the drawing and the tip. Why the angry face, though?! Do I not deserve better?!
59) Just Leave
And never return. Why would anybody subject anyone to this sort of treatment. It’s quite selfish and very rude.
60) Math Problems
Is this what we have come to? We have to do better, people! There’s no shame in practicing basic math problems every once in awhile.
61) We Need Answers!
How?! If this is true, shouldn’t that tip be a little bigger? At least they felt bad.
62) Drunken Nights
Putting a tip on top of your tip. I’m sure the server wasn’t complaining. But I’m sure the patron was the next day.
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