Singer with low confidence brings the house down
"I could've listened to that all afternoon."
Randy Aragon

Life can be far from a fairy tale, for some people, just getting out of bed can be a struggle. Music has long been a way for artists to express their hardship and let off some steam! For many musicians, it’s a form of therapy that truly inspires them to keep going.

Here’s how one Oprah singer from Britain’s Got Talent, blew the judges away using her pain through music to do so. To see her deeply moving performance, scroll down!

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Watch as this young lady gets through her pain by singing incredible Oprah music!

Lucy Kay is a 24-year-old Oprah singer from the UK who recently moved to try to get away from some bad people in her life. Before singing, she gives us a look into her troubled past saying:

“originally from Nottingham but now I live in Glasgow.” Simon Cowell asked why? “I kind of wanted to get away from bad people, bullies.”

Lucy’s mother even describes times in the past when Lucy didn’t know if she could go on living.

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When the music starts she begins a transcending performance. The judges’ are entranced as the singer hits all the high notes!

Judges and audience alike, are completely silent, mesmerized by the Oprah singer’s beautiful voice. In just a few moments of flawless harmony, Lucy captured the hearts of the viewers while her mother cried tears of joy.

When she was done, the crowd went crazy!

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It was clear by the judges’ reactions, she was going through to the live semi-finals!

The judges we’re absolutely flabbergasted and gave Lucy an immediate standing ovation. During their evaluation Simon Cowell said:

“The unfortunate thing is, is that some of the best singers, do sing through pain it’s just one of those things. You’ve actually learned how to use that pain and I saw you change as you felt the audience’s acceptance. Todays the day you learn to smile properly because it was extraordinary.” Followed by a cheering crowd.

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Lucy could barely contain her emotions as tears of joy streamed down her face.

After the performance Lucy was understandably crying tears of joy, after so many bullies in the past, the acceptance overwhelmed her. the judges’ continued to shower her with well-deserved praise, Another judge said:

“Well, first of all, you’re are a very beautiful girl with an even more beautiful voice. The incredible thing is you sung a piece of Oprah that I don’t know and that most of us in this room probably don’t know, but we were all incredibly moved and that’s a testament to how incredible your voice is.”

In the end, all 4 judges voted yes and Lucy moved onto the live semi-final round.

Looks like Lucy can leave the bullies behind as she voyages forward on this new journey doing what she loves! She and her mother couldn’t be happier, good luck Lucy!

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A contestant on Britain’s Got Talent, uses the pain from her past bullies to stun judges’ with her brilliant Oprah. Watch the video below!


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Source: YouTube
