Officer spots old dog in middle of road and she won’t budge until he follows her to help
The deputy decided to trust his instincts and follow the dog - and it's a good thing he did.
Jake Manning

It was a typical September day for Deputy Wright as he patrolled a rural, wooded area of Stevens County.

However, his routine was soon interrupted when he came upon a dog sitting calmly in the middle of the road.

There were no houses or residences visible nearby, leaving Wright puzzled about where this dog could have come from.

Naturally, Wright’s instinct was to help, so he tried coaxing the dog into his vehicle, intending to find its owner.

But the dog, a bit stubborn, refused to get in the car, seemingly focused on something else.


Not one to give up easily, Deputy Wright decided to drive around the surrounding area, checking any homes within a mile radius.

Despite his efforts, he couldn’t find anyone who owned the dog or who seemed to be missing a pet.

At this point, something felt off.

There was something in the dog’s behavior that nagged at Wright.

This wasn’t a stray simply wandering around; it seemed like the dog was waiting for something.


With his gut instinct kicking in, Wright returned to the dog, now laying smack in the middle of the road.

He tried again to move the dog off the road, but instead of resisting this time, the dog suddenly took off, darting up an unmarked and scarcely traveled roadway.

With curiosity piqued, Wright decided to follow the dog, wondering where it might lead.


To his surprise, the dog led him directly to a little summer cabin tucked away in the woods.

The cabin looked quiet, but something didn’t feel right.

Wright began to investigate the area, and just a short distance from the cabin, he found an elderly man lying on the ground, calling weakly for help.

The man was 84 years old and had fallen, injuring his leg.

He had been stranded for hours, unable to get up or call for help, and worse still, he had medical conditions requiring regular medications.

If not for the timely intervention, the man’s condition could have become dire.


As it turns out, the dog, named Gita, wasn’t just any dog.

She was a 13-year-old rescue dog and the loyal best friend of the man in distress.

Gita had stayed by her owner’s side as long as she could but eventually set out on her own, determined to find someone who could help.

It was Gita’s unshakeable loyalty and instincts that led Deputy Wright to the man, likely saving his life.


This incredible story shows the devotion that pets often show toward their owners.

Gita’s actions highlight how intelligent and heroic our furry friends can be.

While many may see dogs as simple companions, stories like this remind us that they can also be protectors and lifesavers.

Whether they sense danger, offer comfort, or, as in Gita’s case, actively seek help, the loyalty of pets never ceases to amaze.


Deputy Wright deserves a huge thank you for following his instincts and going the extra mile—literally—to ensure the safety of both the dog and her owner.

But the real hero of the day was Gita, whose love and loyalty undoubtedly saved her best friend’s life.

This girl deserves lots of treats and extra cuddles.


The Steven’s County Sheriff’s Office shared this amazing story on their Facebook page where both the deputy and the dog have received praise.

One person wrote:

“Wow!! Good girl! And thank goodness for the deputy to take a moment and see what was up. Amazing!”

Another commented:

“Love this! Hope she gets some good steak dinners! Well done faithful friend. And well done Deputy Wright!”


Check out the video below to see a news report on this incredible story!

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