Beauty trends come and go but some of them are really bizarre. Just think about all the weird trends of the 2010s alone. There, we’ll see everything from squiggly eyebrows to man buns, crazy colors, and way too much glitter. Of course, nothing is worse from what is apparently THE trend of the summer of 2019 — long toenails.
Somewhere along the line, we stopped thinking of long toenails as gross and unsanitary and started pretending that they were fashionable. Now, we can unironically say, “Thanks, we hate it.”
The bottom of your nails is one of the dirtiest parts of your body. Nails pick up and harbor all kinds of bacteria. Having long nails is extremely unsanitary.
If you think that acrylic nails are better, think again. Researchers think that artificial nails are even grosser than natural ones. It’s common for nails to carry germs that cause vomiting and diarrhea. The best way to clean them is with a nail brush — otherwise, you’ve got a bacteria factory under those acrylics.
Of course, this is all for fingernails. Now imagine how much dirtier your toenails are. They’re low to the ground, which means they pick up all those nasty germs all day, every day.
Here are 50 slides showcasing this bizarre and unusual new trend.
Obviously, these are acrylic. But everything about them is terrifying, from the length to the color to those sharpened points. Why would anyone want their toes to look like this?
On the other end of the spectrum, the long toenail trend isn’t too bad. You might not notice they’re long unless you really looked. But still, what’s the point?
There’s nothing wrong with giving your toes a little razzle-dazzle on a night when you’re going out. But the long toenails themselves just don’t look good.
4. Can you imagine accidentally kicking something?
Aside from the fact that they look bizarre, the long toenails severely limit your choice in shoes and socks. You also run the risk of tearing one off if you accidentally stub your toe.
This is getting toward the extreme end of things and it’s just not good. All the color in the world is not going to hide that you’ve got long, creepy eagle talons on the end of your feet.
Even worse than the long, sharpened toenails here is that awful pus-yellow color. If you’re going to do the long toenail look, please choose a color that’s says anything other than “Infected Toenail.”
If you’re going to cash in on the long toenail trend, this is the best way to do it. We still don’t get the point, but at least you don’t look like you climb trees in your spare time.
These nails look long too long for comfort, but the worst part is the way the toes are held. There is seriously no reason for anyone to wear their toenails this long.
When your toenails are this length, you pretty much have two options: sandals or nothing. There’s no way you’re jamming your claws into something with closed toes.
This would be a great color for toes if they were a normal length! Please clip your glittery toenails and then they’d look great. But this, well, it’s not good.
People really think these look good, even decorating their feet and painting their toes a variety of colors. But we just can’t get past the length of those nails.
When your toes look like this, your hobby options are pretty limited. This lady probably can’t ride a bike, work a job, or take a dance class, unless she wears sandals doing it.
Black isn’t a great choice for nails at the best of times, but when you pair it with extra-long toenails, it gets really bad. There’s just no denying that these look like monster claws.
Here’s someone else who thought that black super-long toenails were a good choice. Can we set a rule that your toenails can’t be longer than your toes?
17. No one should be able to do this with their toes.
Here’s yet another person who decided to go for French nails, which is usually a lovely choice! But when your nails are two inches long, nothing — I repeat, nothing — looks good.
Some nail aficionados might argue that longer toenails offer more space and opportunity for creative designs. And while nail art is great, it’s not worth having them this long.
These ones are pretty tame on the spectrum of long nails, but they’re still not great. At least the design and color are pretty. But that extra length is unnerving.
This person has gone to great lengths to make their toenails pop. They’ve created a lovely color palette and even added tiny jewels. It’s amazing work — but why the extra length?
White is not a good nail color at the best of times. This person has managed to make it look even worse. There’s no aesthetic or practical reason that toenails should be this long.
While long toenails make it difficult to put shoes on, this person won’t let that stop them! They’ve shoved their toenails into some ballet flats and called it good. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look good.
Do you like beauty and fashion AND making small children scream? Then these toenails are the perfect choice for you! They’re also impractical, so you won’t be able to wear shoes anywhere!
At this point, this kind of toenails need to cease. They’ve become different appendages, complete with red nail polish, and they make us extremely nervous.
Yellow nail polish just isn’t a good look and having long toenails on top of it? Well, now your feet look like they belong on a produce stand at the local market.
Even if you keep the color subtle, it’s still really hard to get around the length. The poster tagged this photo as #justtherightlength. Unfortunately, we have to disagree.
What’s even worse than long toenails are long toenails that have been sharpened into claws. This woman ended up with points and then painted them in such a colorful palette that you can’t help but look.
Somehow, even worse than the pointy nails are those with a really dramatic curve like these. There’s just no getting around the fact that they look like claws.
30. They’re wearing athletic pants but they can’t work out.
Ironically, this person is wearing athletic pants, because with toenails like that, they won’t be going jogging any time soon. This toenail trend isn’t just ugly, it’s completely impractical!
Here you’ll get to see the hands and the feet, and it’s all cringeworthy. Not only does it look really bad, but you also have to wonder how this person ever gets anything done.
This person was probably going for something elegant and beautiful. Unfortunately, all ten of her digits look like they belong to a flesh-ripping monster.
Didn’t think it could get any worse than curved or sharpened toenails? Take a look at these purple curlicues, which will haunt your nightmares for the rest of time.
35. When your toenails are starting to curl, please cut them!
Once upon a time, people didn’t have the luxury of toenail clippers. But now that we do, so please, for the love of humanity, cut your toenails before they start to look like these.
Here’s another pattern that would look lovely if it weren’t painted on such long toenails! The white only emphasizes the length, which is not a good idea. Apparently, this lady was all for it!
The people who buy into this trend seem to think it’s all about “Go big or go home.” But there’s something to be said for subtlety. For example, not growing your toenails out and painting them bright pink.
We’re all for showing people that you’re a fierce, independent woman, but fashioning your nails into dragon claws is the wrong way to go. This just seems so germy and uncomfortable.
Here’s a more candid shot of someone posing at home in their kitchen. And all I can think about is the fact that their toenails click on the tile when they walk.
40. No one wants to see the underside of your toenails!
Studies show that the underside of your nails is one of the dirtiest parts of the body, harboring millions of bacteria. You can only imagine what a germ fest this trend must be.
41. These people invest a lot of time in their feet.
Can you imagine thinking these nails look so good that you take the time to get them done or do them yourself, then take pictures of them? You have got to be really invested in your toenails
42. When your fingernails and toenails are the same lengths.
Looking at this photo, you might need to check a couple of times to figure out which are the fingers and which are the toes. If your toenails are that long, you may want to reevaluate your decisions.
Here’s an elaborate look, complete with toenails cut into a wing pattern and decorated with tiny gems. You can only imagine how uncomfortable walking in those shoes must be. Can someone say “toenail chafe”?
If you cash in on this trend, you’ve got to be willing to severely restrict your footwear. Forget trying to wear sneakers. Even pantyhose is a challenge when your toenails are that long.
There comes a point where you’re even going to have to watch how you walk. If you roll your weight onto the front of your foot too suddenly, you risk popping a nail off. Is that enough to make you stop?
This looks like something out of a nightmare involving a monster preparing to grab you. Between the long nails and the toe splaying, it’s straight-out scary. Sorry, ma’am, your nails are making the kids scream.
Forget trying to wear your old shoes when you have long toenails. Maybe you could try buying the next size up if you want to wear regular shoes. Actually, make that two sizes up.
This takes an already extreme trend and makes it more horrifying. Who would ever think that growing their toenails out (or be honest, getting acrylics) to monster lengths and painting them green is a good idea?
It can be scary out on the streets, especially late at night. This lady doesn’t need to carry pepper spray. Just a hard kick and her attacker would be incapacitated.
These are so much longer than they need to be. It must feel as uncomfortable as it looks. There’s no reason on earth for toenails to be this long. Not one.
Beauty trends come and go but some of them are really bizarre. Just think about all the weird trends of the 2010s alone. There, we’ll see everything from squiggly eyebrows to man buns, crazy colors, and way too much glitter. Of course, nothing is worse from what is apparently THE trend of the summer of 2019 — long toenails.
Somewhere along the line, we stopped thinking of long toenails as gross and unsanitary and started pretending that they were fashionable. Now, we can unironically say, “Thanks, we hate it.”
The bottom of your nails is one of the dirtiest parts of your body. Nails pick up and harbor all kinds of bacteria. Having long nails is extremely unsanitary.
If you think that acrylic nails are better, think again. Researchers think that artificial nails are even grosser than natural ones. It’s common for nails to carry germs that cause vomiting and diarrhea. The best way to clean them is with a nail brush — otherwise, you’ve got a bacteria factory under those acrylics.
Of course, this is all for fingernails. Now imagine how much dirtier your toenails are. They’re low to the ground, which means they pick up all those nasty germs all day, every day.
Here are 50 slides showcasing this bizarre and unusual new trend.