Craig and Lisa Spurr’s recent purchased of a home journeyed quickly into the bizarre after they arrived to inspect the property. The couple posted pictures of the strange stuff they found inside the structure on Imgur.
In the words of Craig Spurr, “my wife and I flipped [this house] about 2 years ago. There was so much strange stuff. I couldn’t even get in the headspace of what the previous owner was doing!”
Read on to find out what strange stuff Spurr is talking about and decide for yourself what to make of this bizarre home.
Creepy Messages on the Walls and Furniture
It all started with some of the creepy messages painted on the walls and furniture. From there the strangeness of the house continued. Who knows what all this oddness was about.
According to Spurr, he and his wife found a, “very creepy painted message… was in enamel paint so took a LOT of sanding to remove. (You could still clearly see it when painting over)”
An Obsession With Mora
It seemed a former occupant had a fascination with someone or something called Mora. Painted in red paint, or inscribed on the wood of some furniture, the word could be found in different areas of the home.
But what could Mora be? Some internet users surmised that mora could refer to an ancient spirit, also called a mara, in Slavic mythology. According to the Slavic tales, a mora rides on the chests of people as they sleep and is the cause of bad dreams or nightmares. Unfortunately, the truth will probably never be known
A Hanging Rope Light Fixture
Another strange oddity in the home was a light fixture attached to a hanging rope tied into t hangman’s noose. Strange to say the least, but that was far from the stranger things the Spurrs found.
A Fake Window
In one room, they found a window that had such heavy curtains that it was hard to use. On an adjacent wall, an occupant had placed a window sticker which depicted a peaceful water scene. Maybe the occupant wanted to make up for the window that they couldn’t use?
Another Strange Oddity
In addition to the many strange light fixtures found throughout the house, the strangest was probably this one which featured four bulbs. Did whoever installed this not feel like they didn’t have enough light? Just another one of the many strange things in this abode that will probably never have an explanation
The Backyard
In addition, the backyard, while private and spacious, had some oddities of its own. Most evident was the fan placed on one of the posts of what looks like an overhead cover of some sort. I could see someone using this if it really got hot, but think it would be better to just go inside if it was that hot.
What Others had to Say
In response to the original post, people online had some observations of their own, with many convinced that something was going on with the home to cause such strange behavior from the former occupants. One poster, creamedLed said that the house was cursed.
Another, RonaldSoak, made the observation that the house number was 13, according to the trash bins. Which fits in fine with the reputation of the home so far.
Another, FrogBotherer, linked the activity in jest to the popular The Elder Scrolls video game series. He even left a cautionary warning for any future owners of the home.
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Finally, one poster named LaserMullet, asked the question that was on everyone’s mind. Though, if it was me, I would start with the Ghostbusters first.