You know your mom has some wisdom to share! She has already lived a life and she has helped you through so many tough situations where you would have been lost without her! And if you yourself are a mother, then you know all about trying to share your life knowledge with your kids while they tune you out and act like you’re as old as they are!
Well one mother in particular thought she could share her wisdom with the entire internet!
Poonam Sapra started an instagram account where she writes her worldly wisdom on a board and poses with it, and we’ve selected 30 of her best to share with you today!
1) Everything
Who can’t get behind this message? We should already all know it, but it sounds better coming from her! Especially when Sapra has that look on her face, you know she’s serious about this. Who are we to judge which living things have more respect than others?
2) Repetition
If your parents are still telling you to wear a jacket because it’s cold outside or to pick up some broccoli because you need to eat your greens, it’s just because they love you and living without you never really gets easier! You’re always going to be their child and they’re always going to worry about you and that’s okay! As Sapra points out, there was a time when you asked the same thing over and over again!
Be sure to click the arrows in the image to see the full post!
3) Practice
Here’s some words of encouragement to help you out if you’ve recently had a bit of an accident in the kitchen! Kitchen mishaps happen all the time, especially when you start experimenting a bit with new flavours and recipes! But you need to fall off the horse to get back on and if you embrace that you might fail then it’s far less frustrating when a new idea doesn’t pan out!
4) Normalize!
Here we have Sapra dishing out straight wisdom. She asks her audience to normalize these very regular and completely valid experiences! Parents should act like kids sometimes! Some people don’t know how to cook! That’s fine! You aren’t assigned interests at birth based on your gender or sex. You parents should be your primary support system, but it is of course difficult to get to the point of speaking with them comfortably when they’re also an authority figure!
And everyone has weak moments! We shouldn’t hide it!
There’s no point in brushing it under the rug, it will only build and get worse!
5) Two kinds of people
This advice is straight up sage-like! It’s really important to keep in mind the kind of impact you want to have on a person. And there’s the old saying of kill them with kindness! Even if someone doesn’t deserve your kindness, isn’t it way more satisfying to be kind to them and make them feel bad for how they acted towards you?
6) Telephone
This one is basic and a tale as old as time. Call. Your mom. BACK. She misses you and wants to hear from you, even if it’s about nothing at all! If I can’t convince you, I’m confident Sapra’s face WILL!
7) Helping eachother
This is the beauty of family! You guys get to help eachother and bridge the gaps between generations! You will undoubtedly be more technologically literate than your older family members! You can help them with their smartphones as they help you with things that you have little to no experience with! Every great record collection starts with some vinyls handed down by your parents!
8) Messages
This is a really good one! Wisdom for the modern age. People get so worried about texting. Is it too soon to text back? Should I text twice in a row? I don’t want them to think I’m needy! But I also don’t want them to think I’m ignoring them… STOP! Chances are pretty good that they’ll appreciate the message, no matter when they get it!
9) Poetry
Sapra shares with us a lovely poem in this post! It’s applicable to her whole theme of motherly wisdom and family love! I’ll let it speak for itself as you can read it above. Thanks for sharing, Sapra, your words are beautiful!
10) Lost in life
This is huge. When you’re kind of lost on your life path people have a tendency to tell you that you will figure it out or that it will work itself out. But no one ever tells you that it’s okay to just be lost for a bit! If you’re confused, I understand it’s uncomfortable but you are the only one who can figure your life out and sometimes that takes time and effort!
11) Control
Sapra gets a little more cryptic with this one but it is still fantastic all the same! I would even go so far as to say better? I’m a sucker for some wisdom that is up to some interpretation. If someone knows exactly what buttons to push they can turn your whole day around, but only you are in control of if those buttons have any effect on you. Always remember that words are just words and no one knsows you better than you know yourself!
12) Unique
Our uniqueness as a species is what makes us so great! Everyone is completely different, and no one will have the exact same set of experiences or thoughts as anyone else! We should celebrate not only our own difference but the difference of others as well! That’s what gives us character and perspectives that can help fill in gaps that others might have!
13) Posture
She’s right, you know. Sitting is the new smoking! Having great posture has a wierdly large impact on your life. It will change how others see you and have a great impact on your health! It changes your whole demeanor while you sit and honestly once it’s habit it’s the only way to sit comfortably!
14) Middleground
Wow, Sapra is really on the money with this one. Compromise is only necessary in certain situations. It’s not always the right move just to try and make everyone happy! If something is important to you and it’s important that it is done in a certain way or at a certain time or by a certain person then that’s all there is to it. You have to determine for yourself if it is worth the fight!
15) Instameals
This is more relevant than ever! You’re touching your phone all dang day, dude! It’s going to be covered in germs and bacteria that you don’t want on your super deluxe pizza when you finally dive in with your bare hands! Do yourself a favour and sanitize them fingers after they’ve tapped your camera app and shot button a few times!
16) Makin’ ma proud
This one just hits different. It… It melts my heart! Even for parents who often show how proud they are of their kids, they probably feel it even more! It’s undoubtedly incredibly difficult to successfuly put into words a feeling like pride in your kids. Trust your parents when they tell you they feel proud!
17) Confidence
Sapra is so wholesome, isn’t she? I love that she’s using her platform to promote such good messages like this! Let people think what they want, do your own thing! Life’s for your own to live your own way, right? I’m excited to see what other wisdom she can share!
18) Be here now
I think a lot of mothers have been delivering this message for a while now. Where better to keep this handy post-it note of a mother’s love than on Instagram itself? It’s a good wellness reminder for your daily life to take some time every day to just be present and smell the roses a bit.
19) Doodles
I love this one, it’s so charming to know Sapra had a bit of extra fun with this post! It’s a great reminder that progress happens one step at a time and that it’s okay to go at your own pace. And sometimes in a really elaborate and confusing Esheresque stairwell it’s okay to take steps backwards!
20) Don’t be that guy
Another lesson that should go without saying but sadly must be readdressed by everyone’s favourite internet mom. You never really know what is going on in someone’s life. You can’t judge them because you don’t have a full picture of what they’re going through. And it’s exactly for that reason that you should endeavour to always follow the second part of this message.
21) A classic
I mentioned exactly this a few slides back. You gotta eat your veggies! What are you gonna do, be that kid that gets scurvy in his first year living away from home? No way! You’re gonna eat some fruits, you’re gonna eat some veggies and you’re gonna visit your mom’s for thanksgiving because you will now be grateful for all the of the delicious food she cooks!
22) Stats
Okay now keep in mind this was April! Total patients recovered is way higher now! We are surviving this thing! With some good social discipline and respect for your fellow human we’ll eradicate this thing completely! It just takes everyone being on board!
23) Daily pills of self help
You should consider this a prescription from Doctor-Mom Sapra. Make sure to take each of these pills each and every day! But as Sapra would undoubtedly tell you, don’t worry too much if you miss a pill every now and again!
24) Sanity
This is the only recipe to staying sane. You need to find time for things you love to do. Any hobby you have. Whatever your interests are. Just find time for a little self-love every now and again or pretty soon you’ll find yourself burnt out and dreading the work day!
25) Love your parents
Yeah parents are embarassing sometimes but it’s also like a rite of passage. And if you feel like your parents are the most embarassing parents ever than don’t kid yourself, Sandra, literally everyone has felt like that at one time or another. Your parents don’t mean to embarass you, they’re just fountains overflowing with love and it manifests in different ways!
26) Centennial
If you’re ever feeling down, just come back to this post! There are literally a hundred reasons to be happy, and sweet Sapra is helping to remind us of each and every one! What better way to commemorate 100 great pieces of life advice than 100 more wrapped up into one? If nothing else, you can always be happy for mangoes, c’mon!
27) Thankful
Considering how big Poonam is becoming, that’s a pretty impactful thank you to the doctors and CA’s of India! That’s a pretty great reminder for her 125,000+ followers as well, so hopefully doctors all over India got the message! I have to say I love that she included a happy Wednesday for everyone else in the post!
28) Hydro homies
Water is important! If that board hit you with a feeling of “hey don’t attack me like that” then you haven’t had enough water today, and we both know it. Listen, I get it, I’m like Jake Peralta when it comes to water. But you need a lot everyday and it’s important to keep in mind!
29) Weather
There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing, okay? I’ve lived in -40 degree weather, okay? That’s the same in Celsius OR Fahrenheit, okay? I know this to be a FACT, okay? Seriously, just dress for the weather! There’s nothing cool about wearing shorts in winter!
30) What about #1
You’ve heard some great advice here today but you can’t forget that no matter how much you should call your mom or how much you should consider the impact you have on others, you still need to do something for yourself! You need to take care of yourself before you take care of anyone else! It can be something as small as enjoying a chai latte for 5 minutes, but you should do something to help pep your day up even if only for a little bit!
You just got a really heavy dose of wisdom from one wise mother! I’ll understand if you need to sit for a minute and let all of that settle in. If you loved this, you can get this wisdom popping up on your own feed! Seriously, give Poonam a follow at this link and you can even give her son a follow here! He has great posts of his own, and something tells me that he helped his mother in becoming the sensation that she is today! Much like how she helped raise her son into an Instagram with some influence!
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