Mom records super dad getting 6 babies ready for bed after a bath
I don’t know how he managed this! His skills are masterful.
Blake Hyatt

Super parents are real heroes. They might not be Batman, decked out with a utility belt, bat cave, and billionaire wealth, but they do solve real life problems by any modest means possible. While their time is spent doing more domestic heroics and not saving Gotham city, their specilization is bringing joy and prosperity to their children.

Watch Super Dad expertly dress six of his children in a matter of minutes, all to the song “At the Fair” by David Scott.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

To get things started, Super Dad lays six sets of clothing across the ground. Three outfits feature teal, full-body bibs, while the other three feature white and gray stripes.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

Super Dad brings a single baby to the outfits and starts wrapping the child in clothing. The toddler remains obedient, throughout, eventually ending up in a full-body pink piece.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

The child is soon momentarily abandoned and starts playing around. Where did Super Dad go? Will he return to save the day?

Yes, he soon returns with another small child, ready to start the wrapping process again.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

Dad lays the baby down next to sibling and begins wrapping it in a striped garb. Super Dad has this all down to a science, extremely quick with his hands.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

The adorable toddlers begin playing among themselves, one dressed in pink, the other dressed in stripes. A third baby enters the fold, and then the entire clan follows. A few of the children look definitively older than the others.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

Super Dad isolates one of the children and begins the dressing sequences while the child stands to the side.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

One of the toddlers, pacifier in mouth, begins to have a bit of fun, rolling around and looking at the camera.

Super Dad continues to dress the older, standing child with relative ease.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

Dad finally wraps up the older child and begins preparations to clothe Child Five. The same gray and white-striped shirt is used. Super Dad proceeds to use an alternative technique this time around, clothing the child while sitting.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

Child Four and Child Five look extremely similar, especially in the same exact white and gray-striped garb.

Finally, comes Child Six, perhaps the eldest of the bunch, who’s waited very, very patiently.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

Upon closer look, Children Four, Five, and Six might actually be triplets. If they’re not, then they look really, really similar, especially since they end up in the exact same clothing.

After Super Dad finishes flexing his incredible real world super powers, he gathers his six kids together for a fitting photographic finale.

Life with Beans/YouTube
Life with Beans/YouTube

The three youngest children end up in their blue, full-body bibs, while the older three rock their gray and white stripes. They look like a wonderful, loving family. I imagine they’ll take great care of each other as they make their way through life.

Super heroes don’t always look like Batman. Real life heroes are a little more inconspicuous, taking care of their duties with few complaints. Real heroes generally aren’t involved in grand action sequences, but instead make their influence known via simpler avenues. They’re fine with a simple thank you, but sometimes don’t even get that. These six kids are lucky to have a skilled Super Dad willing to take care of them without a second thought.

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