Every parent sometimes needs reassurance, and one woman is here to let all parents know they are doing a great job.
Karen Johnson from the 21st Century SAHM (Stay at Home Mom) recently made a Facebook post to give every mother confidence in her abilities.

This stay at home mom now has three children and runs her own blog, along with associated social media pages. She’s always working to inspire parents, provide fun ideas, and share fun stories.

Her most recent post focused on overcoming the way that some people tend to put each other down, especially when it comes to parenting. In her post, Johnson outlines all the differences found between mothers and lets us know that anyone can be a good parent.
She points out that whether you breastfeed and no matter your religion (or lack of religion), the number of organized activities you do with your children, or how clean your home is, you are a good parent.
Throughout the post, Johnson gives specific examples of things parents tend to get disapproving looks for, letting her readers know that doing some of them doesn’t make you a bad parent.
Johnson begins by flat-out stating that “my house is never clean” but she’s still a good mom. She expresses her wit while showing just how different “good parents” can be. For example:
“I drink a beer or glass of wine (sometimes in front of my kids!) on occasion. I’m a good mom. My neighbor and good friend doesn’t drink. Also a good mom.”
Some of Johnson’s pictures truly exemplify her post about what makes a great parent. Such as this one:

She accompanied the above picture with the caption:
“It’s not really Saturday night until you’ve taken your 4yo to the liquor store in his Lego Batman pajamas at 5 pm.”
To finish off her inspirational message to parents, Johnson ends with a call to action for all moms:
“So how about this? Can we all climb off down judgmental mountain for a second? And just support one another? And just say, Hey, motherhood is hard. You’re doing a good job. Raising kids can knock the wind out of a person. You got this.”
Clearly, this stay at home mom has her priorities in order.

Instead of judging each other for the decisions we make, we should be supporting each other. Parents need to provide assistance to others when they need it, even if it is just in the form of words of encouragement.
To say that Johnson’s message resonates with other parents is an understatement.
Between the comments posted on the 21st Century SAHM Facebook page and other groups it was shared in, you will find a mix of parents sharing their own stories of being judged and those encouraging other parents.

The inspirational post from Johnson’s Facebook page has brought out words of encouragement from parents. Between parents that have tattoos, those that didn’t breastfeed, those who have C-sections, and those with other struggles, the majority of the comments are supportive of each other.

Johnson understands that being a great mom is about more than what other people think about you.
It is about taking care of your children and providing them with an enriching, fun-filled life. Based on her pictures on Instagram, their lives are filled with fun and plenty of stickers.

In addition to her occasional longer post, Johnson shares smaller messages for parents on her Instagram and other social media accounts.

She also shares funny experiences involving her kids, letting other parents know they are not alone in their struggles and giving everyone a laugh.

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source: The 21st Century SAHM via Facebook