Mom throws teens phone out window – then writes hilarious tardy note explaining she’s late for school
This Mom wrote a note for her daughter being late for school and you won't believe what she said in it
Bella Scotton

Teen’s Mom Tells It Like It Is

Teenagers are notorious for being tardy. So much so that the majority of parents have just come to learn to accept it. That is with at least the exception of one Mom.

Nicole Poppic Decided To Take Matters Into Her Own Hands

When Nicole’s daughter Cara was late again for school she asked Mom to write her a note.

Mom Complied

Nicole was more than willing to write the note, but perhaps not what Cara expected.

Nicole started her letter by explaining that her daughter was tardy because of a condition that Nicole called Teenage-ism.

What Is Nicole’s Interpretation of Teenage-ism?


She explains that it is a very common condition as teens across the nation suffer from it.

As far a Nicole knows there is no known cure.

There are many symptoms but the two that Cara was suffering from at this particular instance was

  1. Not being able to get out of bed.
  2. Also, the need to talk back to mother

Cara appeared to have gotten over the teenage-ism attack temporarily as she watched Nicole toss her [Cara’s] cell phone out the window.

Nicole asks the school officials to let her know if Cara happens to have anothere flare-up.


Nicole asks the school officials to let her know if Car happens to have a flare-up.


A Viral Occurrence

Cara posted the note on facebook perhaps hoping that it may enlighten some other parents who are dealing with children suffering from teenage-ism.

She ended up with 1.2 comments and 37K shares

A Big Impact

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YouTube Screenshot

Nicole’s letter made such a big impact that it was talked about on Good Morning America

When one of the hosts asked the audience about teenage-ism there was a good response. But when Nicole’s letter was read it received whistles, cheers and lots of applause.

The GMA Team Makes A Good Point

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YouTube Screenshot

Saying that when the kids are little you want them to sleep more. The little ones are up at the crack of dawn.

Then they go through this transition where everything is reversed and they are stricken with teenage-ism.

What Do The Experts Say?

With this being such a common problem you can bet there is plenty of advice from the experts. Some mom have shared their experiences in dealing with the problem. One parenting co-ordinator said on Today’s Parent…

The solution? Take a deep breath, Mom and Dad, because this might be harder than it seems. Cathcart-Ross says parents should “step back and let the child make mistakes. One of the most wonderful ways for kids to learn is through natural consequences. If she’s late for school, she’ll have to go to the office and get a pink slip, and maybe even go to detention. That’s not life-threatening, and she’ll learn something from the experience.”

Did This Apply To Nicole’s Case?

It was a little different as Cara was asking her Mom to provide the excuse for her tardiness. She was not going to take responsibility for it herself.

Did It Work?


There is not much talk about how Cara reacted to Mom’s letter. However, the feedback is Cara was not late for school again.

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