Carb Loving Mom, Orders Spanx And Shares Her Hilarious Story
A young Mom, Laura, admits she absolutely loves carbs. She explains she looks like “Father Christmas” when she is at a buffet.
Easy To Relate To
So many of us can relate to being a food addict. Some people are emotional eaters, while others just love the taste of food and can’t get enough
However, overeaters pay the price with their physical appearance. The rolls from the buffet, turn into rolls on the tummy.
Laura Loves Rolls And Carbs
Laura explains that people think that she is still pregnant, but her large tummy is due to the fact that she likes her rolls and she likes her carbs. She states that other people “don’t get that memo”.

In the video, Laura stated, “I ordered something and it’s arrived today and I’m mega excited because I’m pretty sure that I’m going to have the stomach of Jennifer Lopez”
She is so excited to share her new look wearing Spanx, a shapewear product that is intended to flatten the tummy.
Was It The Wrong Information?

She was given information that when you order Spanx, you should order a smaller size, “the smaller, the better” she was told. She assumes this is going to be a good thing. Laura videos herself wearing just a bra and panties so she can demonstrate the Spanx product and how it will really flatten her tummy.
The Size of Her Thigh

When Laura finally reveals the Spanx product, she holds it up to her abdomen and thinks she wasn’t too far out with sizing. Viewers can tell immediately, this is going to be a problem.
Laura shares her feeling that the Spanx is the size of her thigh. She proceeds to pull the shapewear product up her leg and stops when it has completely covered her thigh.
“Yup, there we go (slapping her thigh), that’s the same size as my thigh”
Going For It

Her comment to that is “that’s cool though”. Laura proceeds to lower the Spanx so she can get her other leg into and proceeds to attempt to pull the shapewear up both legs.
This is a real struggle for Laura. She wiggles and jumps in an effort to get it up over her tummy, cursing and swearing. Laura explains how she sees these women on FaceBook all the time and they pull them up really easily, (as she is still struggling to get the Spanx over her hips).
“I’m falling out of breath,” Laura says.
As Laura continues the feat of trying to get it over her stomach, she rips the product. As she shows the rip she says, “Ah, China, you disappoint me.”
A Temporary Victory

Finally, Laura gets the tummy shapewear over her stomach and it rolls all the way under her ribcage. She says, “Oh, that’s not funny.” Laura gets the “girdle” stuck and it’s very tight and painful. “Oh my Jesus, why would I do this?”

Laura tries to pull it back down and it snaps against her mid-drift. She calls for the kids to come and help her. It rolls, and looks like a tight elastic band by the time she is finished. Laura says on a scale from one to ten, that hurts like a mother _____. She says her belly button looks like a small vagina.
A Lesson Learned
Laura says it so stuck, it’s not even funny, so she says not to buy it. She thinks she’s damaged a lot of internal organs.
“I’m here with the kids on my own, and I’m ______ stuck in it.” Laura states that she is going to have to get some scissors.
The Spanx product did not go according to plan.
Laura posted this hilarious video, that many of us can relate to.
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