Ah, parenthood. The toughest job you’ll ever love, they say. The job where payment is received in hugs, kisses, crayon drawings, and dandelions plucked from the driveway.
It is also a job in which moms and dads wear many hats. One minute, you will be a nurse, applying antiseptic, bandages, and a kiss to a scraped knee. The next, you are a master chef, capable of producing the finest peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the perfect crustless triangle shape.
As a parent, you have to be a superhero of sorts. You need to have the ability to run on little to no sleep and lots of coffee. That’s what one mom found out as she tried her best to rest one night.

Upon seeing the video below, you will understand why. The video starts out normally enough. A tired Melanie Darnell, devoted mother of three adorable youngsters, installed a camera in her room. She wanted to show everybody what a typical night looks like. This shows parents that they are all in it together. You aren’t the only tired one!
Good night (maybe)!
The video begins by showing Melanie in bed, seemingly comfortable. Then, after a short hour and twenty minutes’ time, she comes back with her littlest in her arms. This little one loves to snuggle but is also very active. First Melanie get him nice and close, and he sleeps a bit. But later we see him moving around as though he was playing! He changes positions a lot.

Suddenly we hear a little cry. Any parent knows this cry and just wants nothing more than to comfort their child. It seems that Melanie’s little toddler has had a bad dream or simply needs companionship, and a mother’s hug is just what the doctor ordered. The two snuggle up and the baby lies nearby.

Maybe there will be sleep this time
The toddler regains his composure and Melanie takes him back to his bed. She is careful to set up the pillow so the baby is safe until her return. You would think all is well, and you would be correct! That is, until a few hours later when the baby decides it’s a good idea to play with Mommy’s nose. He touches her face and Melanie herself even notates the video saying, “Time to wake up mom.” The little pumpkin even puts his cute face up to the camera as if to tell the whole world “Good Morning!”

Melanie maintains a strong composure and is a patient, caring mom throughout this whole ordeal. Not once do we see her getting flustered or upset. Perhaps we can chalk Melanie’s resolve up to being a fitness mom. She clearly demonstrates a sense of discipline in maintaining her health as well as her children’s well-being.
Or not! Good morning!
As the video comes to a close, we see the children playing on the kitchen floor and Melanie holding a cup of (presumably strong) coffee. She looks right at the camera, smiling even after a night of restless sleep, and says “Great day, you guys!” Melanie really demonstrates what parents should strive for: a positive attitude even in times of exhaustion.

While parents of the world are some of the most tired people ever, they are also doing the world’s most important job. Raising the future is not easy task. Before you know it, the little ones will be growing up and sleeping in their own beds, and after that they will eventually leave the nest to have their own families.
As hard as it may be, treasure these times and enjoy the snuggles. Perhaps Melanie, and parents around the world, will look back at their own camera footage with smiles and pride about the times their children were young.
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