Mom With Breast Cancer And Daughter With Alopecia Prove Bald Is Beautiful
These two are simply gorgeous!
Kalli Sarkin

In the fashion shows of days past, there was only one kind of look that was considered in vogue. But now, as people open their minds to new ideas, they are able to see that there are many ways to express beauty. This mother and daughter had their own photoshoot to challenge the conventional concept of beauty.

Kellie Rose Photography
Kellie Rose Photography

Kristi Tavenner lives with her seven year old daughter, Rose, and she has watched her blossom into a beautiful young lady. Rose has had to face some difficult challenges in her life, but she has handled them all with grace. A few years ago, she discovered that her daughter was fighting a special kind of battle: Rose was diagnosed with alopecia.

“Thanksgiving 2015 I noticed 2 bald spots the size of a quarter on the back of her head,” Kristi said in a Facebook post. “In 4 months she went from a full head of gorgeous hair to completely bald … In the end, our beautiful Rose still shines like a star and loves to the fullest.”

Kristi was mesmerized by her daughter, particularly by the brave way she handled her illness. “She hasn’t let this disease slow her down and will only grow stronger,” the proud mom declared.

Kellie Rose Photography
Kellie Rose Photography

Kristi continually drew inspiration from her daughter, but she had never imagined how much she could idolize her until a year ago when she got some devastating news of her own. Kristi had breast cancer. Rather than letting it get her down, she decided to follow her daughter’s example and focus on the silver lining.

“While she felt a little scared about it, she also felt like it might be a special way to bond with her daughter,” observed Kellie, a close friend of Kristi and the creator of Kellie Rose Photography.

That’s when the mom had the ingenious idea to do a photoshoot with her daughter. The two dressed elegantly in dangling earrings and floor length dresses. Their photos were absolutely stunning. Throughout the portraits, the message rings loud and clear: “Bald is beautiful.” These two women look so gorgeous. They don’t need hair to show off their beauty.

Kellie Rose Photography
Kellie Rose Photography

“It was beautiful to hear from Kristi about how Rose helped her to be brave when she began to lose her hair during chemotherapy treatments,” Kellie shared. “They are two of the most beautiful people I’ve met, inside and out. They are here to show everyone that BALD IS BEAUTIFUL.”

This heartwarming message from mother and daughter is spreading quickly. Soon everyone will see the brilliance of beauty that comes from within.

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