North Carolina middle-schoolers in red own the stage with lively swing routine
He looks like he's been dipping dance partners since he was born, which I guess wasn't that long ago.
Johndel Callora

From an ordinary people’s point of view, shag dancing might look like a piece of cake. This type of dance is comprised of basic steps that anyone can think they can easily execute with flying colors.

Welcome to the world of “shag dancing”

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this word, “shag” is an umbrella term that signifies a rather large family of jitterbug dances that all share particular characteristics. There are three types of shag namely the Carolina shag, Collegiate shag, and St. Louis shag.

Shag dancing rose into popularity as quickly as it was created as the young people groove and move to the rhythm of the music in the 1940s. The teenagers are immediately captivated by the dance’s uniqueness and its reputation of boldness and thrill. In its prime, the shag is more than just a dance. It is a social phenomenon that still thrives up to this day.

One should know better than judging a book by its cover, in this case, by its steps

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YouTube - Stages Video Production

Shag dancing might just be made up of basic stepping forward and backward in certain counts, switching your weight between your right and left sides throughout the whole routine, but it’s actually quite complicated than how it looks.

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YouTube - Stages Video Production

The dance’s nature of having a low level of difficulty will leave much room for the dancers to improvise the steps or particular routines to make it more entertaining. They have to widen their imagination and conjure a dance piece like no other that will surely appeal to the judges’ taste if they want to win in a competition.

Just like how these youngsters clad in a blazing red outfit set the dance floor on fire with their hot performance in NSDC

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YouTube - Stages Video Production

The National Shag Dance Championships is the longest and continuously running dance tilt in the United States that kicked off in Myrtle Beach in 1984. And this time, two budding dancers of Carolina conquer the dance floor with their electrifying routine.

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YouTube - Stages Video Production

All eyes are on Gracie and Tucker as they took the center stage for their performance. Both look stunning with their fiery costumes and elegant looks. Gracie Pandure is the pride of Myrtle Beach while Tucker Brown hails from Andrews, North Carolina.

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YouTube - Stages Video Production

Both are middle school students in their respective hometowns. Despite their young age, they already know how to dream big. This time, they will do their best and take home the crown.

Gracie and Tucker groove to the beat of “Queen of the 88s” by Kelley Hunt

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YouTube - Stages Video Production

This teen duo is competing for the Junior I Division of NSDC and they are already a crowd favorite. Gracie opens the number in an eruption of gracefully executed series of spins that make the spectators roar into cheers for them.

They maintain the hype of the crowd as both glide smoothly on the dance floor as they exchange kicks and shuffling feet into the rhythm of the music.

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YouTube - Stages Video Production

The way they look so effortless as they shake their bodies without missing a beat is remarkable. Throughout their performance, they are all smiles to the audience while maintaining their posture and attitude despite all the twists and twirls they have done.

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YouTube - Stages Video Production

They delivered their stunts just as impressively much to the judges’ delight that they are declared champions of the competition.

Watch the whole video by clicking on the link below.

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