We can’t turn back time. Everyone accepts this fact, but if we could only have a chance to go back in time to teach our younger selves of the things that we know now, I’m sure we will all take the opportunity and do what we should have done.
One Twitter user, @NyashaJunior, tweeted this question: “If you are a 40+ woman, what one piece of advice would you give to your 20-something self?” The response she got was amazing! Read on to find the women’s remarkable answers!
1. Never chase anyone who doesn’t want you
You don’t have to force yourself into anybody’s life. Likewise, you don’t need to force yourself into liking a job that does not really deserve what you have to offer. Know your worth and be the person you are meant to be, not the person you think you need to be just to meet some person’s expectations!
2. Don’t go chasing bad boys
Young girls seem to think it’s awesome to be in a relationship with bad boys because it’s always an achievement to change them and make them good boys out of love. I hate to break it to you ladies, but this only happens in movies. In real life, bad boys will most likely remain as bad boys. And at some point, staying with them will end up with you getting hurt.
3. Lies are big warning signs.
A long and lasting relationship is based on truth and honesty. If you ever catch your partner lie or cheat to you once, sometimes it is not worth it to give them another chance because some people never learn. If they love you, they won’t even think about things that might hurt you.
Finding Mr. Right is not really a thing. You don’t find Mr. Right, Mr. Right finds you. And when he finally finds you, he will never ask you to give up anything just to accept you as part of his life. He will accept all of you and you don’t have to give up anything for him to acknowledge you.
Most people think that aging is something to be dreadful about. The fact is that it isn’t. You may age physically, but the way you see life definitely gets better. You become more confident, wise and sure of yourself. Aging is, as this Twitter user said, everything.
6. No to toxic relationships
Sadly, there are people whose biggest critics are their own families. Families are supposed to show support and love for each other. However, if they make you feel unwelcome, it’s probably time to let them know that your relationship is already toxic and you all have to do something about it. Hopefully, there is still something that you can do because you should love your family, no matter how they seem to show you differently.
A woman’s intuition is known for being right. If your instinct tells you to stop and do another thing instead, it’s probably the right thing to do.
Sometimes, what you do is never enough. Doing more of the things that you should do is always a good thing.
9. Know where you are great at
They say a woman should be well-rounded, but this is not always right. If you know that you are great at something, work on that skill and be great in it. Live your dreams and your life in the way that you want.
This Twitter user summed up her tips to live by in three short pieces of advice. And they are all absolutely true!
We sometimes think that it’s already late to do certain changes in the way we live our lives. But, here’s the truth: it is never too late to change your life. Learn to let go of what already has taken place and live your life today the way you want to see it tomorrow.
This is quite true, you know. On the flip-side, your feelings are not the problem of others, too, so don’t make a huge fuss about what you feel because frankly, people don’t really care because everyone is busy living their own lives and minding their individual businesses.
As a woman, you must know your worth. You don’t need anybody’s approval for anything that you dream of achieving in your life. You must exceed your own expectations, not the standards of some man who is not even worth your time in the first place.
As a woman ages, she becomes more confident not because she has so much to give and so much to show off. It’s because she has known a lot from what she experienced and she doesn’t really give a crap on what people would say about how she’s living her life. Every woman gets there at some point, so be patient girl.
Some people equate marriage with being contented and settled and happy. Well, here’s the fun fact: it’s not always the case! Remember this and you’ll be more tolerant of the woes that married life brings. And also, get better shoes.
16. What a great guy should be
Letting go of opportunities to become better in your chosen career just because of a guy is not something that you should do. A great guy is someone who will wait for you as you reach for your goals in life.
17. A few pieces of advice for you, girl.
This Twitter user totally got it. It’s true that fear only prevents you from what you feel is the right thing to do. Simply said, you must follow your heart and don’t listen to others. It’s all part of being kind to yourself.
18. Be your own Goldilocks.
Men can’t dictate who a woman should be or what she’s supposed to do with her life. Remember that your life is your own, not from some man, so live the way you want to and learn to love yourself.
Sometimes, everything feels like it’s the end of the world. You’re young, but everything seems to fall apart and you don’t see the future anymore. But, the truth is, it’s just something that will also pass. Learn to go with the flow and tell yourself that in the end, everything will fall into place.
You might think of small achievements as non-achievements but this is definitely not true. Any accomplishment, big or small, is something that you should celebrate. Keep track of your achievements and your work because in the end, you’ll find out that they are your legacies, no matter how small or insignificant you think they are. Do it because no one will do it for you.
Finding the love of your life will surely come, so don’t rush into relationships thinking about having a short time left to find one. Before loving another person, you must learn to love yourself first. When you give yourself love, only then will you be ready to give love to someone else.
You don’t need anyone else to help you in living your dreams. There is no need to wait for others because you are in charge of your life and is therefore the best person to do what you must to reach your goals in life.
This advice is not your regular tip in life, but it’s true that you will never have the same body for longer. It is a fact of life that we will all age physically, but acceptance of your aging body should come first from you. But, hey, you can be naked anytime in your life.
Marriage is not a walk in the park. And it will probably be one of the toughest decision you’ll ever make in your life, because this person is the person who you choose to spend your life with and build a family with. Apart from that, your career choices will also be linked to your family choices, that’s why choosing a partner in life is a decision that is absolutely crucial.
Walking away from a person who does not treat you fairly is definitely a good decision. You are worthy of love and affection and fairness, so don’t you ever stay in a place where you don’t get treated the way you should be treated.
Have you ever experienced being in a relationship where you constantly wait for someone to call you? That, according to this Twitter user, is not a good indication. If you are with the right person, you won’t feel the need to wait on them because they will surely make you feel cherished even if you are far from each other.
Your life, your decision. What you originally planned for yourself should not be swayed by someone else. If you think that certain things are the best for you, then do them. Don’t change yourself to make others feel good about you.
28. Show them how you should be treated.
How others will treat you depends on how they see you treat yourself. If you don’t love yourself, how would you expect other people to love you?
29. No to conditional friends.
Friends, like family, should love you unconditionally. Beware of fair weather friends and distance yourself away from them.
Remember this: you don’t have to try hard just to get others to love you. This will only lead to sorrow and pain and later on, disbelief in love. Love yourself the way you want others to love you, and your one true love will show up.
31. Don’t trick yourself.
There will be times that you think you’re failing, but in truth, you are just hitting a bump in the road you are taking. Don’t trick yourself and think that you are not winning in your life. You are in charge of your life so the decision whether to win or lose is all in your hands.
Sometimes, your idea about yourself is less than what you really can do. Always question your perception of yourself and don’t negate your capabilities. More often than not, you can do more than what you think you can.
Sometimes, you always think that you need to wait before doing something. But, more often than not, the perfect time to do what you want is now.
In life, you can never go ahead in life without keeping a stable job. But getting one is not that easy, that’s why people tend to stay even in a workplace they don’t like because of the fear that they might not get a better job that treats them well, too. Here’s the thing: there is always a better job opportunity out there. You don’t need to stay in a place where you and your efforts are not appreciated. Go and find that better job.
This Twitter user found out that learning to let go of the chase for someone else’s affection is totally worth it. The freedom she felt was absolutely priceless.
You are who you are, and you are given a place in this world because you are worthy of love and care. Be proud of yourself and be proud of what you have reached in life.
Mistakes are inevitable parts of life. What you must remind yourself always is the fact that mistakes are not bad for you and you actually never lose. That’s because if you don’t win, you still won a lesson that you will take as you go through life.
38. You are more than enough.
Simple, yet profound. Definitely, nobody is exactly the same as you and don’t forget, you are more than enough so keep your distance from people who make you feel less than who you really are.
This is your life and your dreams are no one else’s but yours. Success for you may not be the same as others, so don’t compare and make your own definition of what successful and what’s not.
It may sound cliche, but it is definitely true: you just have to be yourself. Sometimes, you tend to forget about this and believe others of what they think of you. Don’t mind them and listen to what your heart is telling you. Always say what you mean and always mean what you say.
Things might be too scary at first, but if you have to do it for you, then do it. Fear is nothing but an obstacle that tells you to stop, but if you know that it’s the right thing, do it even if it means going over what scares you.
42. Don’t listen to them.
Being at a place where people are constantly trying to make you wait in line is not exactly the place where you need to be. Most likely, they are just holding you off so they could get ahead. Learn to know your worth and don’t listen to them. Do what you must now because waiting can end to regret and that is not something you want to have later in life.
Being yourself is always a must. Don’t please others because in truth, you cannot please everyone. You’re wasting your time if you think that you can please all of the people in your life. Just be you, no apologies and no regrets.
If you truly want to be yourself, then trust yourself as well. Trust that you can and you definitely will reach your goals, no matter what other people say about the things that you cannot do.
45. Actual results matter.
Tradition is good, but sometimes, there is a need to break out of this shell to reach your true potential. Don’t be afraid to break free and focus of what needs to be done based on what you believe in. Actual results matter and if something unconventional has yielded these results for you, then go for it.
46. Celebrate yourself first.
In life, it is always best to live your own life first before seeking a life that you can share with someone else. Only after doing this can you really say that you are ready for a lifetime partnership.
47. Don’t forget your needs.
It may seem simple, but putting yourself before others is something that many people find hard to do. It’s because it is easier sometimes to just forget about yourself when you are trying to make someone else happy. But, before making others happy, make sure that you are happy first. You have needs, too, so love yourself and make time for you.
Who said women can’t take charge? Yes, we can! And we should. You are not just a woman who can take charge of her life. You can be a leader, too, so don’t be afraid and own your capabilities.
49. No need to prove yourself
There is absolutely no need to prove yourself, girl. Trying to be someone else just to “fit in” is not fitting in at all. You are you for a reason and there is no one else like you, so be woman enough to accept yourself so others will also accept you.
50. Don’t be afraid of aging.
Getting older is not something that you should be scared of. As you age, life will slowly fall into perspective and you will understand everything that is happening around you. Things actually get better when you age.
Money, though we hate to admit it, is a necessity in life. When you are young, it is easy to be wooed by the ways of the world you sometimes end up spending more than you should. It is important to save more, especially if you have side gigs, because you will surely make good use of your money when the time comes that you just want to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Loving others is not wrong, but make sure that you love yourself first. It is important that you know your worth before trying to get another person’s affection. This way, you won’t depend on others when it comes to finding love because you already have it.
When you reach your 40’s, what will matter will be the company you keep. Find good friends now who you can trust for the rest of your life. I your 40’s, friends will make you feel loved so cherish them if they are true.
Listening to that small voice saying what you should and should not do is definitely something you should try. It’s what they call intuition, and women are notorious for having the right ones.
A woman’s body is only able to bear a child up to a certain age. If you are planning to have a family, but still feel like it’s too early, make the decision of freezing your eggs so you can have all the time you want and still have a chance of having your own children someday.
56. Write your heart out.
If you love to write, then go for it! Listen to your calling, because that’s what it is. It’s a passion and you are blessed with a heart that answers to the call.
This Twitter user has a lot of advice for you. And, they are all true! You should always be aware of your worth and learn to get the education you deserve.
Loving others is only the second step. The first one is loving yourself.
59. This is for the black beauties
Being black is not a brand or a mark or whatever. You are you, no matter what color you are. Be proud, be loud and be loved.
60. Don’t think too highly of others.
If you think that you are getting way more attention than others, then you are terribly wrong. Most people don’t really care about others because their own stories are the ones that matter.
61. Follow that instinct!
Remember when you had a gut feeling about something and you turned out right, but did the opposite? Don’t forget that sinking feeling in your tummy and prevent that from happening again by trusting your instincts.
A woman’s intuition is definitely legendary for always being right. Follow that intuition, girl. Sometimes, you just got to go with it, because it feels so right.
When there is a need to say “no”, then don’t be afraid to do it. You have a right to, you know. And it also helps not to read your emails too many times just to make others feel less crappy when all they do is to put crap on what you do.
64. Straight to the point.
When everyone around you tell you to dump him, then that’s probably the right thing to do. Everyone is unanimous over this decision, and it is probably the best one for you, too.
Just think about it this way: the women you look up to today might just be a vision of who you will be in the future. Do what you must to reach that level and you will surely have no regrets.
That’s quite a huge collection of winning remarks that every woman in their 20’s should read. We may not be able to run back time, but reading these encouraging words and powerful pieces of advice are definitely more than what we could ask for.
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Source: Bored Panda, Flickr/Juggernautco