Have you always wondered what men actually talked about when they are in the locker room? How about what your man really thinks of you when he says, “you look okay”. So many questions yet we’re not really sure what is really going on in a man’s head.
The thread “”What Are Some ‘Guy Secrets’ Girls Don’t Know About?” from Reddit went viral as men and even women up-voted so many comments about realities, facts, and even men’s experiences. You just can’t stop scrolling to see all the comments!
Reality is; there are bro codes and even men secrets that many of us are dying to know. Good news to all because we’ve compiled 55 of the funniest and even the shocking truths about men that you would definitely want to know.
1) Men experience anxiety and depression too
Unlike women, men aren’t too vocal with their emotions. Some may tell you what they’re feeling but some men would like to have their “space” instead of choosing to “talk about it”. If he needs his space to think about something, let him be.
2) The “Nothing Box”
Are you irritated when your man seem distant and in deep thought? Do you think he is fantasizing about another woman? Well, men have their own personal space, their precious “nothing box” and trust us, it exists. So when he says he’s thinking about nothing – believe him!
3) Men remember compliments
Men may forget some things but never a compliment. Reddit users share how they remember compliments especially on their appearance. Many comments also shared their own unforgettable compliments.
4) Just tell it, please!
A tip for every women from this Reddit user. To get what you want, just tell it directly. Men aren’t psychics to know and men also don’t have the patience to guess. So there.
5) Yep is the answer, we don’t know the question.
When a man says “yep” that means he acknowledges all those words even if he doesn’t even understand the half of it. Most likely, women will have to repeat everything again. Maybe he’s inside the “nothing box”.
6) There is no “hidden meaning”
This one accurate. When a man tells you something, there is no hidden meaning. If he tells you that the grass is greener lately, he means it. Don’t over think of hidden messages or hints. There’s nothing.
7) You decide – we’re okay with it!
When asking “where do you want to eat” question, men are really genuine that they are okay with most of your suggestions. It’s not that they are being polite or anything, if they are hungry, they just want to eat and not play around with the “you choose” game.
8) Stop with the hints
Men aren’t very good with deciphering hints from women, like this example over here. Remember, saying “I almost broke my neck in the driveway” is very very different from wanting to tell men that “it’s time to shovel it”. For men, it clearly means, you are warning him. Then women get angry for not getting the hint.
9) Not everything is sexual
“She’s hot!” A line that most men use but did you know that its not all about being sexually attractive? Men can find a woman sexy and attractive because of her qualities. Even men know how to appreciate other men.
10) Men want to be asked out too
It has been a culture that men should ask a woman out first but reality is, men also want to be asked out. Why does it have to stay that way? Men would also appreciate the thought and gesture of being asked out so ladies, do it to them too.
11) Long hot showers are nice
Most men and even women joke around when someone is in the shower for a very long time. Nope, it’s not what you are thinking guys. Some men just want to spend time relaxing in the hot shower too. They also sing and dance sometimes.
12) Men need more time to figure out what they are feeling
A lot of issues and misunderstandings happen when women try to ask men about what they really feel. Reality is, they if they are quiet and seem in deep thought, most likely, they’re trying to figure out what they are feeling as well. It takes men longer time to actually figure out what they are emotions they are feeling.
13) Sorry to burst your bubble
Being stared at will give anyone that awkward feeling but some men aren’t really staring. Some are actually day dreaming. So check if they are zoned out and they might just be in the midieval period.
14) Again with the “hints”
Many comments about this post is all about being sad for the sender. Why? Well, this man was invited inside so he can have a shower after a long day’s work. He politely declined since he didn’t brought any clothes. Turns out, she was giving him “signal”.
15) It’s fun to catch things
Turn boring routines into games by tossing items to your man. Turns out men love catching things. So, the next time you’re going to give him a beer, try to toss it instead of handing it to him. Make sure that you let him know first.
16) Locker room talk isn’t a requirement
We all have that notion that men have long talks when they are in the locker room. Sorry, but that’s not entirely true. Sometimes, they just do their business and leave. That’s it.
17) Pinch and roll technique
Most of the time, those two balls itch, especially when you are outside. Though, men don’t actually scratch them, instead they have what they call the “pinch and roll” technique. It does the job and is also very discreet.
18) We appreciate the interest
Usually a man’s hobby is different from a woman’s preffered past time but when a woman pays attention to a man’s interest – that’s a big deal. Men appreciate the time and effort of a woman when it comes to the things they like such as music, band, games, and even their passion.
19) The man down there doesn’t always cooperate
Contrary to the common popular belief, men don’t always get an erection whenever they want to. It doesn’t work that way. If a man is tired, has a problem, or even under medication, chances are, erection can be also quite challenging.
20) We have other things to think about
Men don’t think about sex every time. Men like it of course but it’s not like their lives revolve around it. If there is a trigger, then expect most of them to react but definitely not all the time.
21) Men want to be superheroes too
We’re not just talking about teens or kids here. Even grown men think about saving the planet from an asteroid, terrorist attacks, and even zombies. It’s a great way to kill time.
22) Always for Mommy
No matter how cool and how old a man is, deep inside, he’s always a young boy. People think that men don’t need nurturing love from their mothers but they do. When he’s sick or in trouble, the first person to come to his mind is always his “Mommy”.
23) Thinking about hints gives men headaches
Okay, so men do understand hints too but since they are men, they can’t just jump into conclusion right? If someone is flirting and they “get the hint” and it comes out wrong, then they come out as assuming individuals. Thinking if they got the “hint” right or not is too exhausting sometimes.
24) Ninja moves
Okay, not sure if women love to do this as well, but men? It’s when you flip your underwear and you catch it – like a ninja! Yeah, that’s cool!
25) Men need a boost as well
We have been seeing positivity goals, and even the fight against certain eating disorders. Men may not be vocal about it but they too experience the same dilemma. Men can also have the same disorders and they also need assistance.
26) Hot days can make them sticky
Yep, on hot days, those two balls become sticky and stick on your thighs. Can you just imagine peeling them off? So satisfying and be quite challenging.
27) Caution before zipping up
Men will “always” pull the zipper away from their crotch before zipping up. This is a precautionary measure not to have any accidents. So, ladies, you know next time you assist your man, okay?
28) It’s a guy thing
It is a guy thing? Men fondling their balls for no reason at all, just dozing off to nothingness and spend time like that? You can even do it standing up or lying in bed.
29) Give specific instructions, please!
“My back aches” means your back aches. Simple right? For men, what you say is what you mean. Again with the hints and the wrong idea that men can “guess” what you actually mean. If you want a massage using oil, then tell it directly and it shall be done.
30) Men’s free toilet cleaning
When men pee, they can aim almost anywhere. So if there’s a stain in the toilet, that’s target sighted. Men will aim and will get rid of it for sure, not unless it’s out of the bowl, then they might still aim at it.
31) It’s okay to just tell it straight
If in any event that you are not comfortable or not enjoying your time – don’t hesitate to tell it. It’s okay and most men will actually back off if you are not at all comfortable.
32) When you’re not around
Guy friends don’t just talk about girls and ball games all the time. They definitely know how to have fun too. If they ask you to join their bonding moments, then it means they consider you as a “bro” as well.
33) Too much expectations
Men share that they too feel pressured. They are expected to be less emotional, to be a good provider, to be strong, and to even be the man of the house. Sometimes, they too need a hug and to know that even if they can’t be perfect, they can still be loved.
34) Time enjoyed isn’t time wasted
Men playing video games the whole day may seem like a waste of time for some but reality is, for men, it’s not. For them, it’s a time or rather a day well spent.
35) Men honestly don’t care
Eyebrows are now a big thing, for women that is. Truth is, men don’t really care if your eyebrows are full, feathered, or on fleek. If they are there and they are visible, that’s already cool.
36) You are more than enough
Men would of course appreciate the good looks, the gown, the high heels, the jewelries and everything but they don’t really care for all of these things. As long as you are presentable and as long as you are there for them, then it’s all good.
37) Men have the shortest conversations
Isn’t it amazing to see men nod at each other or give a tap on the shoulder? Guess what? That’s already a full blown conversations. Believe it or not, they actually understand each other.
38) Men are easy to please
Do you know how to cook? Are you great in bed? Then that’s the only two weapons that you will be needing to pacify a man. If they are angry, just give one or the other and that’s it, not unless you have done something really bad, then of course these won’t work.
39) Even nods have meanings
So apparently, a head down action usually means that a man is acknowledging a stranger. Then, the head up nod is done to someone you know as either a quick greeting or a subtle acknowledgment. Definitely a secret to know!
40) Men have feelings too
Men aren’t verbal by nature. They would rather be silent and keep their emotions to themselves, this isn’t a bad thing but it’s just the way they are. Sometimes, a hug is also good.
41) “Nothing” has lots of meanings
When a woman asks “what are you thinking” to a man, there can me so much going on but his reply would just be “nothing”. First, he can just be inside his “nothing box”, he may actually be daydreaming of a T-Rex bursting into your house, or yeah, even thinking of other girls.
42) Sports and stuff
Seriously, ladies, please don’t get some men wrong. If they go out and have a good time, they would talk about random stuff too. Well, okay, mostly random stuff that they immediately forget once they pee, so don’t expect them to remember everything the next day .
43) Mom! Dad! Miss you guys!
No matter how uncool our parents seem to be, when the time comes that we will move out, in all honesty, we miss them a bunch. The home cooked meals, the worried talk, and even the “come back here!” yells.
44) Just so we can drop the issue
The “I’m sorry, you were right” closure is every man’s secret weapon. When everything has been said and done and you are too exhausted for the day’s long debate, just say these magic words and it works wonders. The secret here is that men still think they’re right but is too tired and fed up to prove it.
45) Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.
Men will always, and we mean always take what you mean by how you said it. So, if you tell him you’re okay, then that’s it. Don’t expect him to bring flowers and chocolates the next day because for him ” you’re fine”.
46) Men love Camilla Cabello too
Okay, so a lot of men will not say it but they too love the upbeat music that most girls like. When they’re alone expect them to dance with those catchy music as well. Who agrees?
47) Just so you know
When you are together with your man and you notice him checking someone out, don’t think he is being unfaithful. Men actually checks out everyone and they mean it. Even if it’s not too obvious, they even check out other men. From looking at their sense of fashion, their hair, just about everything and then that’s it.
48) Men just don’t care about certain things
Some women hate it when their men say “I really don’t care” about things. Often, men are told to be more honest but reality is they actually are. Some things really mean so much for women and just means nothing for men. Just like if women think her eyebrows are on fleek or not.
49) It’s in our nature
Have you lost count on how many times your man farts in a day? Does it still bother you? Well, don’t think or stress about it too much because it’s in their nature, at a very young age, you’ll already see just how good they are at releasing the fart bomb.
50) We hate them too!
Spiders? Cockroaches? Yep, all those things creep men too! Some hate them as much but they need to get rid and take care of them because, well, their men.
51) Well, the truth is
If their partners leave, well that’s their cue. Surely, men will miss their partners but it’s also the time to get wild! Order big pizzas and watch movies or better yet play video games! The opportunity is endless! So many things to do, so little time!
52) Not all size fits all
Sometimes, people think that just because someone is so hot and attractive for them that it’s the same with their partners. Not true. Just remember that we all have different tastes and that goes for men also.
53) Remember how men notice everything?
This is actually very true. There are women who will point out things or even give comments and men would say “oh yeah, you’re right” or “didn’t see that until you told me” respons but the truth is, they’ve seen that already like a couple of minutes ago.
54) In all honesty dear
Listen now ladies, please don’t tell your man about your “hot” guy friend or that ex of yours you saw in Facebook. Well, maybe basic information is okay but not those intimate details you’ve shared with your ex before. Even if men don’t show it, they don’t like it and other than that, they don’t care.
55) Not always ready
Men aren’t always ready for sex or even in the mood for it. Some men will and won’t like it too under certain conditions so ladies, don’t feel bad if you see that he’s not in the mood. Sometimes, stress, sickness, medication, and just because they don’t feel like it.
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