3 men run from gas station and grab trembling elderly couple as cop watches in awe
The police officer was just about to approach the shaky couple but these 3 men came rushing in.
Randy Aragon

At times, we live in a cruel world, but at other times, it’s the kindness of strangers that makes all the difference. There can never be enough kind deeds in the world, and these three men inspired the world when they helped an elderly couple who was struggling to get in their car.

These men should be an inspiration to everyone!

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It all started when the 3 friends spotted 89-year-old, Rose Griest, and her 100-year-old husband, David, having trouble getting into their vehicle

The trio were Orlando-based rappers Marty, Freddy G, and Joc Koe Stoe, and the three men showed that people still do care in the touching moments that went viral.

Kanesha Carnegie
Kanesha Carnegie

Police officer, Kanesha Carnegie (now retired), saw the whole thing unfolding and decided to film what she was witnessing. The Griests’ had just taken a road trip to Orlando for a doctor’s appointment when they stopped for a bathroom break at a local gas station.

When the three men saw David struggling to get Rose into the car, they sprung into action to help

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Without thinking twice, Joc, Marty, and Freddy sprinted outside and grabbed Rose so she wouldn’t fall. In an interview with Fox 5 News, Marty explained what he was thinking in those moments:

“We didn’t even ask if they needed help, we felt comfortable giving them a hand right away,’I kept thinking, ‘She could have been my grandmother,’” Joc added: “We seen an old couple having a hard time so we just assisted them,”

Two of the men held Rose up as she nearly falls to the ground, while the other helps guide her

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Officer Carnegie was driving by at the moment they began helping the Griests, so she stopped to see if she could also help.

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“As I was sitting there, I looked to my left and I noticed these young men helping this elderly couple. I jumped out of my truck and went over to assist them, and when I got there they kind of had it under control you know, so I thought at the time it looked really beautiful. That was a nice view to see, you know, I stepped back and I just videoed them,” the Sheriff’s Deputy recounted to Inside Edition.

After struggling a bit, the men get Rose into the car and 100-year-old David thanks them

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Anyone who has ever helped an elderly person with limited mobility knows that it’s no easy task, but the trio doesn’t leave until they’ve gotten Rose safely into the car.

Once Rose is securely into the passenger seat of their minivan, the men wait to see if David needs help as well but he thanks them and uses his walker to make his way around to the driver’s seat.

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“Take it easy, momma”

As David and Rose get ready to pull out of the parking lot, one of the men tells her to “take it easy, momma.” Officer Carnegie hopes the actions of these selfless young men will inspire others to be like them, and we’re almost certain it will.

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In a world where people can be all about themselves, it’s truly a blessing to have people like Joc, Marty, and Freddy, who don’t hesitate to help elderly strangers in need.

To see the touching story for yourself, just watch the video below!

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