It’s amazing how much of a difference a good haircut can make. These 75 guys were getting a little shaggy, but then they went in to see the barber and their looks were completely transformed. They went from unkept looking bums to studs with just a few careful clips of the scissors.
Back in the 90s, long hair and wild beards were totally in style, but times change. We think these men all look so much better now. Although, don’t just take our word for it. Check out the before and after pictures and you’ll see what we mean. The images speak for themselves!
This guy had long hair for most of his life. He started growing it out at 14 and never looked back. Now that he has cut it off, he looks like an entirely different person.
Here we have another amazing transformation. He used to wear his hair and beard at caveman lengths. However, one day, he started trimming and everything got progressively shorter and shorter.
He used to have really long locks. However, he cut them off for a good cause. All of his hair was donated to a charity for people who are battling cancer and have lost their own hair due to chemotherapy.
This man’s hair used to frame his whole face, but not in a good way. His short cut is a big improvement. He looks so much younger now than he did before.
It took this guy eleven years to grow out his dreads. However, after one quick trip to the barber, they were gone. He transformed from a total hippie into a very stylish bachelor.
Between the beard and the wild hair, the man was definitely overdue for a cut. The barber went to work and when he was done, the man was unrecognizable. He looks fresh and ready for the summer weather now.
This guy used to have one of the wildest beards that we have ever seen. Before his trim, he was able to pass for a homeless person quite easily. Now, he looks more like he belongs on the cover of GQ magazine.
He went from long to short and we absolutely love it. His face appears much skinnier in the after picture. All of his amazing features are much more clearly visible.
A good haircut makes a big difference. The man’s beautiful face is finally able to be seen again. The messy hair and beard were totally covering it up in the past.
10. Impressive Ponytail Length
This man hadn’t gotten a haircut in over seven years. It was getting a little long. If he went any longer, he was going to start accidentally stepping on it.
11. Rockstar Transformation
He always wore his hair just like a grunge rocker would — long and crazy. He even used to get highlights in it occasionally. His new cut is much more up to date and stylish.
Here we have another lovely makeover. The length change isn’t enormous, but the shorter hair lends itself to being spiked up with gel. It’s a cool new look for the man.
In the after picture, the hair is styled with a clay pomade. The barber did a great job. It is a fantastic manly transformation that definitely fits him.
He made a lot of length gains over the years, but it wasn’t worth continuing on. Five years after starting to grow out his hair, he decided to get it chopped off. Shorter hair is so much easier to deal with.
He was handsome before, but now he looks even more amazing. His slick new cut is a big change, but it was a good decision. We imagine that he will get a lot of compliments.
The man’s haircut used to look like a mop. The shaggy doo covered his whole neck and much of his face. Cutting it off finally gave him some room to breathe.
This man loved his long hair but decided that donating it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths was the right move. He got to mix things up while supporting a good cause at the same time.
“I went from Charles Manson to Dapper Manson,” explains the man. His old cut had him looking like a serial killer cult leader. He still has the beard, but everything is trimmed much neater now.
With the arrival of spring, the man knew he wanted to get a fresh cut. The weather was quickly getting warmer. He chopped off his winter length in favor of something more appropriate for the season.
Here we have another dude who decided to donate his long locks to charity. He chopped off all of the length so someone else could benefit from it. It was a nice gesture. Not to mention, he looks better too…
He had a vision of going shorter and followed through in an excellent fashion. The before and after pictures speak volumes about the skill of the barber. The cut is absolutely flawless.
This barber gives free makeovers to individuals who are living on the streets and battling with addiction. Here is just one of his many incredible transformations. The man got a new lease on life.
23. Dreadlock Replacement
He used to have some awesome dreads, but now he doesn’t. Both cuts are pretty great, even though they are complete opposites. No matter what he does with his hair, he is going to look good.
His hair was really long and luscious. Then his barber got ahold of him. The style is much different than it used to be, but it still looks fantastic.
We can see this man’s transformation from multiple angles. He started with shoulder-length hair and cut it down a lot. The top was left a little longer, but the sides were entirely buzzed off.
“I’d been growing my hair out from a buzz cut for almost two years and yesterday I decided to get it cut,” explains the man. Every couple of years, you just need to start over again with a clean slate.
His life had been going downhill for years. The man moved from Austin, Texas to San Diego, California hoping for a fresh start. He got a new haircut and changed his life path completely.
This guy hadn’t had a haircut for almost four years. When he finally decided to get one, he didn’t just trim a few inches off. He got rid of around ninety percent or more of his prior length.
The barber did an excellent job cutting this man’s crazy hair-do. It was a little out of control when he first walked into the shop. When he walked out, it was looking fresh and stylish.
We think short hair looks wonderful on this man. His new style is both professional and youthful. He will be turning heads left and right at the office now.
The best part is that he was able to maintain his rugged appearance while still cleaning it up quite a lot. The beard and hair got at least 50% smaller that day at the barbershop. It was the perfect compromise.
Cutting hair is an art form. If you get the wrong barber, you are in trouble. However, this guy is lucky. He got one of the talented ones!
This husband’s hair used to look like he had just gotten out of bed and forgotten to comb it. Then he got it cut. We imagine that his wife really appreciates the change.
He was one of the hairiest men in the world. Between his hair-do, beard, and chest hair, it was complete chaos. After the cut, he is still hairy but it’s much more controlled.
His new cut has him looking very dapper. The beard is still pretty crazy though. Cleaning that up will have to be the next project.
This guy used to have hair that would make most women jealous. It was perfectly conditioned and looked excellent. However, when the opportunity came to donate his hair to charity, it was a no-brainer for him.
The excess hair was covering up his beautiful eyes and face. Now they can really shine. All of his features are much more defined and visible with the length change.
The most interesting part about this picture is how he was able to take it using a Gameboy. At least, that is what we thought at first. It turns out though, it is just a really cool retro phone case.
This guy had some really thick layers of hair. The hairdresser helped him to thin it out a little bit. She went to work and delivered some pretty stellar results.
First, the man went in and got his beard trimmed off. It was almost two feet long. The next trip to the barbershop was to take care of the hair. He snipped it all off as well.
The long hair was very messy and unkempt. The new trim works much better for him. He went from looking like a rebellious teenager to looking like a real grownup.
The haircut was much needed. Things were getting very wild beforehand. It was so bad that his ear gauges weren’t even visible! The long hair just flowed right into the beard.
“Check out this men’s makeover I did on this gentleman… he went from just the everyday guy to classy,” writes the hairdresser. The man’s whole image was revamped. He now looks so much more fashionable.
The man started with a very frizzy hairstyle. It basically did whatever it wanted. The barber helped him to regain control of the crazy hair again.
Going from long to short can be very daunting. Once you cut it off, it’s gone for good. Although, in this case, it seems like it was definitely a good choice.
His wavy hair was getting a little long. The barber left him a little length, but it’s a much cleaner cut now. There is nothing more attractive than a well-groomed man.
He grew his hair out until it was several feet long. However, eventually, it started getting sort of ridiculous. He kept the mustache but trimmed up everything else.
He had a grungy Kurt Cobain sort of vibe going on before his hair cut. It looked good, but it was definitely out of style. He would have fit right in back in the 90s, but in the current year, not so much.
This man was living on the streets of New York when the hairstylist approached him. The stylist offered him a free cut and it made the man’s day. He looks completely refreshed.
Look at how happy this guy is about his transformation. His energy is contagious. It makes us smile just looking at the before and after photos.
This is one of our favorite before and after shots. The man’s beard took on a life of its own for a minute there. The barber tamed it down and got it back in shape.
“I decided to cut my hair and donate it so it can be used to make a wig for a cancer patient that has gone through chemo,” explains the man. He didn’t even leave any hair for himself. He cut it all off.
Not only did this man cut his long locks off, but he also went blonde. He bleached everything except for his beard and eyebrows. The hairdresser did a marvelous job.
The man donated 12 inches of hair to Children With Hair Loss. To commemorate the occasion, he decided to take a before and after selfie with his friend. They both appear shocked at the change.
The power of makeovers is real. They aren’t just for women. Anyone can get one. Just find a stylist that you trust and let them do their thing.
His long hair actually didn’t look half-bad. However, when it’s time for a change, it’s time for a change. Short is in style these days.
This guy had an amazing beard that was both rugged and neatly trimmed. However, his hair didn’t exactly complement it. He got it cleaned up some to match.
His long hair was not suiting him anymore and he wanted to get a style change done. This was the result. All in all, we’d say it was a smashing success.
This man takes very good care of his image. Whether he has long hair or short hair, it doesn’t matter. He is always going to look fabulous.
Here we have another man who could be a model. He takes good pictures, at least. Although, there was definitely a filter or two applied to them.
His hair never got as long as some of the others, but it was starting to get in front of his eyes. A couple of inches off made a big difference for him. He looks significantly younger.
“This may be THE biggest transformation I’ve ever done,” writes the barber. The man got a total restyle as well as a beard shave. He looks like an entirely new person.
This man grew sick and tired of looking like a hobo. He cleaned up the beard and did a complete 180 with his hair. He went much shorter than before.
He had medium-length hair in the past that covered his ears, but it didn’t quite reach the shoulders. Now, the sides are completely buzzed off and he is able to wear his hair up with gel in it.
The beard and hair combination made him look like an old man. Now that he has gotten it cut, his youth is finally able to shine through again. His friends probably won’t even recognize him.
This guy underwent a massive transformation. The barber set him up with a well-defined beard and hairline and a much shorter overall style. It looks great on him.
His long hair was pretty rad, but it had to go. It was weighing him down. He feels so much lighter now that it has been cut off.
Based on the advice of people on the Internet, the man decided to clip his long hair. The verdict is in — the online advice was correct. He looks super slick with the new cut.
This man knew how valuable his long hair was for people going through chemotherapy, so he gave it all away. He never thought that he would actually look better as a result, but that’s exactly what happened.
His long hair was starting to get pretty epic, however, all good things must come to an end. It was time. Now, if someone could just convince him to shave off his scraggly beard…
“Got the job of my life, so I chopped off my hair,” writes the man. He wanted to look presentable for the new workplace. He is a corporate businessman now.
This dude had a pretty serious beard and afro going. The stylist hooked him up with a nice trim. With a couple of quick clips of the scissors, both the beard and hair are looking better than ever.
73. Dapper Transformation
This handsome young man is even more handsome now that he has his hair cleaned up. He got the sides buzzed but let the top stay a little long. That way, he could put some product in it and wear it slicked back.
“Did I go too far?” the man asks. “I miss my hair a little, no, really a lot…” He still hasn’t gotten used to the new look, but we’d be willing to bet that it will grow on him over time, both literally and figuratively.
This dude looked like Bigfoot before his cut. It was like he stepped straight out of the wilderness and into the barbershop. However, the barber worked his magic and now he is back to being human again.
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