In 2017, Tony Welch wanted to buy a protective device for his wife, Dana, that she could carry with her at all times.
He was at a gun show when he found a 100,000-volt pocket-sized taser that caught his interest.
He liked this device because it was enough to keep her safe, but not too much where it would leave long-term adverse effects on the apparent assailant.
After purchasing the device, he wanted to check that it worked, and he initially thought it didn’t.
However, he soon realized it just had to be pushed against something to get that blue arc of electricity.

The tiny taser for Tony’s wife, Dana.

He then wanted to know what the device would really do to someone if it ever needed to be used in self defense.
If it was only powered by two AAA batteries, he thought it couldn’t be that bad.
He read the instructions and found out (in his own words) that a 1 second burst would shock and disorient, a 2 second burst caused muscle spasms and loss of body control, a 3 second burst would make the assailant flop on the ground like a fish, and anything longer than 3 seconds was just a waste of batteries.
Tony’s shocking discovery…the power of a pocket-sized taser!

After staring at the tiny device, Tony decided there’s no way something so small could hold so much power.
Without hesitation, he touched the device to his thigh.
He was shocked to find out that it was incredibly powerful, and he was flopping on the ground because his finger was stuck on the trigger while he was being struck.
He couldn’t believe it! Once recovered, he explained what he found.
“My bent reading glasses were on the top of the TV. The recliner was upside down and about 8 feet or so from where it originally was. My triceps, right thigh and both nipples were still twitching. My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain and my bottom lip weighed 88lbs. I had no control over the drooling…” – Reshareworthy

Dana’s thoughts on the taser incident.

After this whole experience, and how he did this out of the love for his wife, Dana now cant stop laughing about his experience and regularly threatens him with her new device.
Husbands will be husbands, and wives will be wives!
Tasers are definitely not toys.

It’s important to note that tasers, although they may seem like a less-lethal alternative to firearms, are still very dangerous weapons and should be handled with care!
Tony shared his story as a warning to all others that these tasers are the real deal!
He wants others to learn from him so he can save them from the torturous situation he experienced.
Although it may have given him, his wife, and many others online a good laugh, Tony learned his lesson and hope others learn from him too.

Make sure check out Tony’s full story below for all the details of his experience.

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