Man Rigs Package To Scare Away Thieves
Have you ever had anyone steal a package from you before? It is the worst. This man came up with a great way to scare thieves away. Check it out!
Arianna Etemadieh

Having your package stolen is one of the most frustrating feelings. You make a purchase online, spend your hard-earned money on it, wait eagerly for it to arrive… only to never see it. Was it a mishap with the delivery company? Possibly. Or, someone stole it.

In Tacoma, Washington, one man was tired of having his package stolen right off his front porch. His solution? Leaving bait for the thieves, with a shocking surprise inside.

Jaireme Barrow cleverly took an Amazon delivery box and rigged it for thieves. He built a firing mechanism armed with a blank 12-gauge shotgun shell attached to a string. If you pick up the box, the shell fires.


“Last two months I’ve had four packages come up missing and I just wanted some way to even the score,” Jaireme said. “This is the best way I see fit.”

Jaireme’s invention is harmless, but serves it’s purpose. The loud and frightening sound shocks thieves and scares them away.

In the video below, you can see two instances of Jaireme’s bait in action. The package thieves can’t help themselves as they approach his porch to steal his property – but the shell firing sends them running to the hills.

Their reactions are humorous, and in my opinion, rightfully deserved.

As for Jaireme’s box, he doesn’t want to hurt the thieves. He merely wants to teach them a lesson.

“You know, you’re at work and you’re working hard and you’ve got these people out there that make a daily routine of running around and stealing packages,” he said. “There’s no real way to prevent it so this is my solution.”

Please SHARE this clever solution with your friends and family.

[Source: GapBagGap]
