Man saves pennies 45 years and bank tellers can’t believe their total value
Umm . . . wow. 🤯
Harper Gillis

Imagine diligently collecting every penny you come across for a whole month.

Now, stretch that to a year. But what if you kept at it for 45 years?

That’s exactly what Otha Anders did, and the result was nothing short of astonishing.

This Louisiana teacher’s dedication to penny collecting began in the late 1960s, not for wealth, but for the sheer joy of it.

Even when the government offered $125 for every $100 of pennies, Anders wasn’t swayed.

His collection was more than just coins; it was a labor of love.


For Anders, each penny wasn’t just a piece of currency; it was an opportunity for reflection and gratitude.

“If I would see a penny when I’m gassing up, on the ground, or in a store, it would be a reminder to stop right there and say a prayer,” he shared with ABC News.

This ritual of pausing to pray whenever he found a penny added a unique value to his collection, making it priceless in his eyes.


Anders’ commitment to his collection was unwavering.

He never accepted pennies as gifts, insisting on finding each one himself.

“But I never allowed anyone, not even my wife nor children, to give me pennies without being compensated,” he explained.

This wasn’t about accumulating wealth; it was about the personal journey and the satisfaction of knowing that each penny was a symbol of his and God’s joint effort.


This practice of stopping to pray became a cornerstone of Anders’ life.

He noticed that on days he felt less grateful, a penny would appear, reminding him to appreciate his blessings.

It was as if these small coins were gentle nudges, prompting him to maintain a thankful heart.


Anders believed that these pennies were divine signals, encouraging him to remain thankful.

“I became convinced that spotting a lost or dropped penny was an additional God-given incentive reminding me to always be thankful,” he said.

On days he forgot to pray, the appearance of a penny would be a timely reminder of his commitment to gratitude.


Anders’ collection method was simple yet impressive.

He filled large water jugs with the pennies he gathered. Initially, his goal was to fill five jugs, but the passion for his project was so strong that he couldn’t stop.

Eventually, he amassed 15 five-gallon jugs full of pennies.

“If I hadn’t turned them in yesterday, I was not going to stop,” he admitted, acknowledging the compelling nature of his endeavor.


Beyond the sentimental value, Anders’ penny collection held significant financial worth.

When he realized his homeowner’s insurance wouldn’t cover his collection, he contacted Origin Bank in Ruston, Louisiana.

The bank, where he had been a long-time customer, was more than willing to assist.

“We value his business, as we do all of our customers,” said Jennie Cole, the bank’s Vice President.

“But if we can help Anders with his endeavors, we are happy to do so.”


The process of counting the coins was a monumental task.

The jars had to be opened with an ax, and the counting took over five hours.

By the end, it was clear that Anders’ dedication over the years had paid off handsomely – his collection was worth thousands.


Otha Anders’ story is a testament to the power of persistence and the unexpected value that can be found in the smallest things.

His journey with pennies not only accumulated a significant sum of money but also enriched his life with a deeper sense of gratitude and purpose.

Watch his incredible story unfold in the video below!

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