Man refuses to put out smoke at gas station, so employee decides to teach him a lesson
When words failed to have an effect, the employee decided on a more direct approach.
Jenny Brown

We all know certain things in life just shouldn’t be done.

For instance, sticking your fingers in an electrical outlet or munching on a handful of dirt are bad ideas.

Similarly, lighting a cigarette at a gas station is a no-brainer for most of us.

Unsplash - Kristaps Solims
Unsplash - Kristaps Solims

It’s a basic rule that almost everyone respects.

However, there’s always that one person who thinks rules don’t apply to them.

On one fateful evening, a gas station in Sofia, Bulgaria, became the stage for such an individual’s antics.

Unsplash - Juan Fernandez
Unsplash - Juan Fernandez

Imagine the scene: flammable gases all around, and someone decides it’s the perfect spot for a smoke.

The potential for disaster is palpable. A tiny ash or a stray spark could easily ignite the fumes, leading to catastrophic consequences.

Pixabay - David Mark
Pixabay - David Mark

Gas stations worldwide have “No Smoking” signs for a reason.

But the young man captured in a security video seemed to either miss these signs or chose to disregard them blatantly.

The footage shows two cars arriving at the station.

A young man in a white T-shirt and baseball cap emerges from one of the vehicles, cigarette in hand.

YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

From the video, it’s evident that there’s some disagreement occurring off-camera.

Another customer, probably sensing the brewing tension, quietly fills up his car, hoping to leave before things escalate.

But then, a gas station employee enters the frame, determined to address the situation.

The employee, as reported by Caters Clips, had repeatedly requested the smoker to extinguish his cigarette.

YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

But when words failed to have an effect, the employee decided on a more direct approach.

YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

He confidently strides across the station, grabs a fire extinguisher, and positions it strategically behind the smoker’s car.

What happens next is a sight to behold.

The employee unleashes the fire extinguisher, enveloping the smoker and his car in a dense white cloud.

YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

The mist is so thick that the car is barely visible in the video!

Modern gas stations have numerous safety measures in place, making them much safer than their predecessors.

The chances of a fire or explosion are minimal. Yet, smoking near gas pumps remains not just foolish but also illegal.

This young man’s audacious act serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to safety guidelines.

One can only hope that this was the last time he lit a cigarette near a gas pump.

YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips
YouTube Screenshot - Caters Clips

Thanks to the swift actions of the employee, he received a memorable lesson in safety and respect.

The video is available for viewing for those curious about this dramatic event.

It’s a stark reminder that sometimes, karma has its own way of teaching lessons.

It’s intriguing to ponder why some individuals choose to flout rules that are clearly in place for everyone’s safety.

Is it a desire for attention, a rebellious streak, or simply a lack of awareness? Whatever the reason, such actions endanger the rule-breaker and those around them.

Ignoring them showcases a lack of judgment and a disregard for the community.

Click the video below to see the worker teach this man a lesson!

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