Man upset about holes in the wall so he pulls back the insulation and has everyone doubled up
His home renovation adventure took an unexpected (and hilarious) turn. 😂
Jenny Brown

Home renovations are like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get.

Sometimes you stumble upon hidden treasures like old coins or family heirlooms, and other times you uncover less pleasant surprises like mold or termite damage.

But for Mark Von Thaden from California, his home renovation adventure took an unexpected and hilarious turn.

Mark was dealing with a pesky problem: woodpeckers had been drilling holes into the walls of his pool house.

Determined to fix the damage, he embarked on a renovation journey that led him to a discovery that was as bizarre as it was amusing.


As Mark started the renovation process, he couldn’t help but document the oddity he stumbled upon.

He whipped out his camera and began filming the scene.

The woodpeckers had been at work for a while, leaving behind a Swiss cheese-like pattern of holes in the siding of his pool house.

The camera panned across the room, capturing the extent of the damage that led straight to the great outdoors.


Mark then made a statement that summed up his feelings perfectly.

“I’ve determined I hate woodpeckers,” he declared in the video he later uploaded to Facebook.

While most of us might find woodpeckers charming or at least tolerable, Mark had every reason to be frustrated.

These birds weren’t just causing cosmetic damage; they were turning his pool house into their personal pantry.


They weren’t drilling holes just for the sake of it; they were creating a food storage system.

When Mark pulled back the insulation from the walls, what he found was nothing short of astonishing: thousands upon thousands of acorns came pouring out.


The woodpeckers had been diligently storing acorns in the walls for who knows how long.

They would peck a hole, drop an acorn in, and move on, blissfully unaware that their precious food was falling to the bottom of a hollow wall.

The birds had been doing this for years, and Mark was completely oblivious to the fact that his pool house had become a gigantic acorn silo.


Capturing the moment on camera, Mark decided to demonstrate the scale of the acorn avalanche.

He grabbed another corner of the insulation and pulled it back.

As if on cue, hundreds more acorns tumbled out, adding to the already massive pile.

The sight was so surreal that it was hard to believe it was happening.


While the discovery was undoubtedly hilarious, it also meant that Mark had a monumental cleanup task ahead of him.

Mark was now faced with the challenge of not only repairing the woodpecker damage but also figuring out what to do with thousands of acorns.


Perhaps the next phase of his renovation will involve choosing a more woodpecker-resistant material for the siding.

As Mark wrapped up his video, he reiterated his sentiments about the woodpeckers, saying, “Oh, how I hate woodpeckers,” leaving viewers in stitches.


The story of Mark and his woodpecker woes serves as a hilarious reminder that nature always finds a way, even if it’s not the way we’d prefer.

While Mark may not be laughing about the situation, the rest of us can’t help but find humor in this extraordinary tale of unexpected home renovation surprises.

See this hilariously unexpected moment in the video below!

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