Man Lives Like Dog, Eats From Bowl And Barks At Friends
It takes all kinds...
Haley Bean

Imagine meeting up with your best friend, but instead of a โ€˜hey whatโ€™s up?โ€™, you get barked at and licked on the side of the face? Then when you serve dinner, he proceeds to eat out of a bowl on the floor? You may think that that the friend in question is actually your pet golden retriever, but in reality this friend is Kaz James, a 37 year-old man who chooses to live his life as a dog.


It all started during Kazโ€™s childhood, his behaviors started to seem dog-like to him, though his family never talked about it. He felt โ€œweirdโ€ around others and was never able to relate to anyone. Then, in his late teens, when his family finally invested in a computer on his farm in Norfolk, he found โ€˜pup play communitiesโ€™ in online chatrooms and message boards where he met others like him.

โ€œI didnโ€™t ever feel like a human, I always felt like a dog that was really out of place. I never really had a name for it, being a pup wasnโ€™t a thing I knew about. When I met other people like me I could be myself. I was known by my friends for [saying] hello to them by grabbing hold of the collar of their shirt in my teeth and biting or licking them, very canine-type behaviors.โ€ says Kaz in an interview.


Though Kaz is a store manager, he describes himself as a โ€˜full-time orange, brown, and camo canineโ€™ and occasionally can be found carrying things around in his mouth, barking at friends, and snacking on dog biscuits (though never dog food). โ€œThere are loads of dog treats that you can that are human friendly which are actually quite good for you,โ€ Kaz says of his strange behavior.


Outside of work, Kaz can be found wearing customized rubber suits to help identify him more as a dog. He also occasionally sports masks, chains, harnesses, and a fur suit that cost a little over $2,000 American dollars. Kaz does settle for something a little more casual for work, like a pup t-shirt and maybe a collar


Some outsiders consider this to be some sort of twisted fetich, but Kaz insists his lifestyle is โ€œencompassingโ€. He also surrounds himself with open minded friends and other pups from his online communities, the same ones that helped him become more confident in who is. Since finding like-minded people, Kaz has also co-founded โ€˜Kennel Klub, a pup-play event to meet more pup people. โ€œI feel a sense of peace being a human pup. Little things make me happy like eating my dinner out of a bowl using a knife and fork. I donโ€™t eat at peoplesโ€™ tables when I go to friends houses. I can be a normal person when I go to a restaurant, Iโ€™m trained and can deal with humans, but I donโ€™t like it, it makes me uncomfortable.โ€ And Kazโ€™s advce to anyone interested in being a pup, โ€œJust give it a try.โ€

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