Woman’s Account Of Man’s Assistance To Frightened 96-Year-Old On Flight
The woman hadn’t flown for 15 years but wanted to celebrate her birthday with family. But she wasn’t prepared for how scared she felt. Thankfully an onlooker in the row next to her was able to capture the interaction.
Kathleen Shipman

When you have plans to fly usually you’re just hoping the day goes smoothly and without any hiccups. However, you never know when a simple activity might become an experience you’ll never forget.

Megan Ashley was recently a passenger on a Southwest flight from San Diego to Nashville. What she witnessed in the next row she just couldn’t ignore.

Facebook/Megan Ashley
Facebook/Megan Ashley

Some people don’t have any hesitation when it comes to hopping on an airplane. But then for others (myself included), it can be a lot more difficult because of all the anxiety it causes.

Sitting near Megan was a 96-year-old woman who was afraid to fly. She wanted to visit family in Kansas City for her birthday, however, it had been 15 years since she was last on an airplane.

Flickr/Tomás Del Coro
Flickr/Tomás Del Coro

Fortunately, in the seat next to the woman was an earth angel. Or as Megan calls him, a “flight angel.”

Megan talked about what she witnessed in a Facebook post. Before even leaving, the elderly passenger asked the stranger if he would hold her hand during take-off. He happily did.

That was just the beginning, though.

Facebook/Megan Ashley
Facebook/Megan Ashley

When the plane experienced turbulence and she was frightened, the man allowed her to hug him for comfort. It was a scene that Megan captured with her phone’s camera.

She wrote:

“This gentleman I should say, gladly took her hand, let her hold onto him, calmed her by talking to her and explaining everything that was happening, and simply was that stranger there for her. He knew just what to do the entire flight to help.”

Facebook/Megan Ashley
Facebook/Megan Ashley

The man didn’t stop there. He assisted the woman out of her seat to use the restroom, keeping an eye on her as she headed down the aisle. Megan’s heart was full watching the act of kindness unfold throughout the flight.

Once they landed the stranger didn’t just walk away either. Instead, he made sure that his elderly seat neighbor was taken care of on the ground as well.

Megan explained on Facebook:

“He held her bag, helped her get off the plane and into the wheelchair, and when she got confused wondering where her daughter went (she called her her sister), he stayed with her until she caught up with her daughter who got separated from her.”

Wikimedia Commons/Mx. Granger
Wikimedia Commons/Mx. Granger

The experience was so moving to Megan that it left tears in her eyes. After all, not every day do you get to witness an act so selfless that it’s restoring people’s faith in humanity.

The woman too was very grateful for the stranger’s kindness. As a reward, she adorably gave her “flight angel” the pretzels she had gotten on the plane.


Megan decided to post her story online, which has gone viral with more than 51,000 shares. She even reached out to the man with some kind words of her own.

She wrote:

“Hats off to you sir, for your kind heart and your compassion toward someone whom you’ve never met. I have never been so touched on a flight before. This truly made my week.”

People everywhere have been equally touched by what the man did for the terrified 96-year-old. Flying was extremely difficult for her, but because of his selfless act – she was able to get through it all safely.

It’s a story that gives you chills – and is a reminder that there are still good people that walk this earth. Apparently, they “fly” on planes too.

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