Retired Man Uses Metal Detector To Solve Mystery For 94-Year-Old Woman
Wesley looks for anywhere he can search around with his metal detector. Mainly he finds pop cans and coins. But on this day? He made the discovery of a lifetime for this elderly woman.
Kathleen Shipman

There are many of us who are passionate about looking for treasures. Whether it’s at Goodwill, a yard sale, or maybe hunting in your own backyard – there’s nothing more satisfying than finding that little “pot of gold.”

For one man in Tennessee, he likes to use a metal detector for his searches. A lot of times he’ll come home with coins, but there’s one discovery he made that really takes the cake.

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Wesley White was visiting his mother at her senior facility when he overheard something he couldn’t ignore. A 94-year-old woman named Florene Bush was talking about how she had lost a special treasure years before.

It was her wedding ring – and it had been missing for more than 40 years.

White told WTVF:

“I had been at the nursing home with my mother…and overheard a conversation about an old story. Ms. Bush had said she had lost her wedding band. Well, when I heard that I thought, ‘hmm.'”

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Using his metal detector, White decided that he would go out and try and find the piece of jewelry. But finding it wouldn’t be easy. Ms. Bush lost her special ring decades before while gardening around her home in Leoma.

White is retired and enjoys searching for coins with his metal detector as a hobby. Could he actually solve a decades-old mystery though?

Everyone was skeptical White would actually be able to locate the ring, including Ms. Bush’s son, Frank. However, that didn’t stop him from making it his mission to find the needle in the haystack. He wanted to help the elderly woman.

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It was only 90 minutes into the search before White and his friend, Jeff Howell, made a huge discovery.

They had found Ms. Bush’s wedding ring with the help of the metal detector. And although it had been outside for more than four decades, it appeared to be in good condition.

White explained to WTVF:

“It was approximately five inches deep and there wasn’t a scratch on the ring.”

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As excited as the pair was to unbury the lost treasure, they weren’t as thrilled as Ms. Bush when she learned that it had been found. She had thought she’d never see her ring again.

Yet, there it was…and now it’s back on her finger – where it should be.

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The heartwarming feelings don’t stop right there. When White witnessed how happy the woman was to be reunited with her long-lost ring, to him, it was the most rewarding feeling in the world.

“She was tickled to death, but to see the joy on her face, I think meant more to me.”

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The internet has fallen in love with this story, and rightfully so. It goes to show that there are still good people in the world willing to lend a helping hand. Also, the importance of not giving up hope.

When Inside Edition posted their video on YouTube, many people shared positive comments.

“Awww she is so cute and what a nice guy”

Another person wrote:

“He is a very helpful man, well done”

There are some treasures that are worth looking for, and this turned out to be one of them.

The Bushes plan on making the wedding band a family heirloom that will be passed down.

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