Man With Dementia Falls In Love With Wife Again
Bill no longer remembers his wife Anne but she still stood by his side and then one day, he asks her to marry him in a truly beautiful way.
Ma Fatima Garcia

“The mind forgets, but the heart will always remember. And what is the heart’s memory but love itself?” said a quote from Twan Eng Tan

When you say your vows to your spouse, it comes from the heart. The union of two people may not be forever, but rather a lifetime of love and togetherness. All of us are dreaming of being together until we’re old and grey but what if Dementia strikes?

Just like any other illness, Dementia is a common condition that is severe enough to affect a person’s daily life. One of the most common signs is memory loss, in which, Alzheimer’s is the most common form of Dementia.

Anne Duncan, 69 from Scotland has been happily married to Bill but the unexpected happened. Bill was diagnosed with Dementia and for the past 9 years of their 12-year marriage, Anne never left Bill’s side. Until last year, Bill’s case worsened, he can no longer remember Anne’s name and all his memories were slowly fading including all his memories of Anne.


This is such heartbreaking news for anyone who knows how Dementia can change everything. How can you hold on to your vows when you can no longer remember the person you love?

Apparently, it’s true that the mind can forget but the heart does not. In an unexpected surprise, Bill expressed his love for his wife in the most beautiful way possible.

Anne Duncan wrote on her Facebook post,

“Something wonderful happened recently. My wonderful husband of twelve years, Bill, told me that he wanted to marry me and that he really, really liked me and wanted to be with me forever”

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STV News Screenshot

Even if Bill was suffering from Dementia, even if he no longer knows that it was his wife that he was proposing to but his heart sure does recognize her. This action by itself is already amazing but what came next shocked everyone.

Love What Matters
Love What Matters

Bill remembered the proposal the next day and the day after so Anne’s family wanted the “event” to be special. Anne’s family and friends were really supportive, especially her daughter Andrea who insisted that she buys a dress – so she did.

Everything was set, a simple but beautiful set up for an intimate garden/backyard wedding with members of their family.

“It was really quite magical. I felt almost like I was getting married.”

Anne explains in her interview with STV News.

Everyone was happy, everyone’s hearts were filled with happiness and hope that no matter what happens, as long as you believe in love. Love will never leave you. Amazingly, even after 2 weeks, Bill still thinks he has married his girlfriend and is all smiles.

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STV News Screenshot

“Living with this condition, you take a day at a time and some days are a bit rubbishy. And other days are completely magical when they completely surprise you.”

Anne adds to her message that has truly touched the hearts of many.

This story is proof that our minds may forget through the test of time and illness but our hearts will never forget the person we love.

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