Man born to father with down syndrome opens up about his upbringing
There are only three documented cases of men with Down syndrome becoming fathers, making it extremely rare.
Kristin Danley-Greiner

Many people believe the misguided notion that people with Down syndrome are unable to have children. In actuality, 50 percent of women with Down syndrome actually are able to bear children.

Most men with Down syndrome have a significantly lower fertility rate compared to most men that usually prohibits them from fathering children. But there are miraculously three documented cases of men with Down syndrome becoming fathers, which doesn’t include Jad Issa of Syria.

Instagram/Sader Issa
Instagram/Sader Issa

According to the National Down Syndrome Society, between 35 and 50 percent of children born to mothers with Down syndrome are likely to have trisomy 21 or other developmental disabilities. It isn’t fully known whether the children of men with Down syndrome have a greater risk of having Down syndrome, too, but Sader Issa proves differently.

He is tall, strong, healthy and full of love for his parents, especially his father Jad who sparkles when he speaks about the son he helped raise.

Instagram/Sader Issa
Instagram/Sader Issa

Sader is studying to become a dentist and talks often about how he was raised by two loving parents, including a father who has Down syndrome.

His dad Jad went above and beyond to make sure Sader’s childhood was what he believed to be normal.

Facebook/Sader Issa
Facebook/Sader Issa

Never did Sader feel embarrassed by his father, but instead credits him for helping Sader become the man he is today. While their father-son relationship may not be typical, it’s still a beautiful example of a true and pure love.

“I’m proud of my father. Throughout my life, he has been the greatest support for me when I needed it.”


Jad works at a local mill where everyone appreciates him. People in their community are incredibly fond of Jad, too, for how compassionate and caring he is toward everyone.

“We wish all people were able to accept that being different is not something to be ashamed of. People with Down syndrome are different but they have feelings, aspirations, a mind of their own and they are capable of living a normal life when there is social acceptance and a society that is supportive.”

Instagram/Sader Issa
Instagram/Sader Issa

Sadly, not everyone looks at people with challenges as Sader does his father.

Sader, who enjoys swimming, bodybuilding, studying and spending time with his friends, encourages everyone to open their eyes to the potential each person possesses regardless of their perceived limitations.

“Let us give them a chance and see what great capabilities they have.”

Instagram/Sader Issa
Instagram/Sader Issa

People with Down syndrome are known for being friendly and affectionate. Jad constantly brags about his son, telling everyone that “my son is a doctor.”

“It’s possible to see when his eyes are filled with joy and satisfaction as if to express: yes, I have Down syndrome, but I raised this man and did everything in my power to make him become a doctor and help others.”

Instagram/Issa Sader
Instagram/Issa Sader

Watch in the video below how Sader simply beams as he speaks about his beloved father and how together, they are one of the rarest (and sweetest) cases of a healthy son born to a biological Down syndrome father in the world.

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