We all loved a good magic show. Theyโ€™re always fascinating and even adults are still mesmerized by magicians. Of course as adults, we know theyโ€™re all tricks, but how exactly are they done?

Wonder no more as this list reveals a magicianโ€™s secrets. Now prepare to be amazed!

Walking on water magic trick

Walking on water is a trick popular around the world. Its origins probably come from the Bible, when Jesus supposedly did the trick himself.

But He was the son of God so thatโ€™s different. Hundreds of magicians have been successful duplicating the act though.

Stun your audience with this trick since it is one of the best to do. Itโ€™s pretty impressive seeing someone defy the laws of physics like this, especially when itโ€™s a convincing performance. Click next to see the secret to how this trick is done!

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