Ladies take the stage wearing red dazzling everyone when their dresses transform
I don't know how they did it - but I was captivated from beginning to end.
Jenny Brown

When it comes to a dance performance, you don’t need to speak the same language as the artists to be entertained by it.

That’s why many television shows from other countries that feature talent acts are still very amusing – despite not knowing what the hosts are saying. There are some performances, however, that really stick out because of how unique they are, and different than what we are used to seeing.

YouTube - vortex Sohn
YouTube - vortex Sohn

A clip from one Korean show has been making its rounds on the internet. It features a captivating and magical performance that seems unlikely to occur on American television.

After watching it, you may be curious how the performance was done!

YouTube - vortex Sohn
YouTube - vortex Sohn

As the clip begins, it seems like a show much like any other.

A troupe of ladies dressed in red dresses comes on stage while an audience watches them. Music is playing and the group is readying themselves for a choreographed dance show. It starts with some basic movements and some dancing with props before the girls form a line with bouquets of flowers in their hands.

YouTube - vortex Sohn
YouTube - vortex Sohn

After that, the group gathers together and hides half the girls from sight—but when they emerge, they’re all in yellow dresses!

YouTube - vortex Sohn
YouTube - vortex Sohn

The crowd’s reaction is one of total amazement.

The choreography continues and before long, all the girls have changed into yellow dresses. Still, the performance doesn’t stop there. The onlookers are puzzled as the girls make another complex formation—and before long, all the girls are now in blue dresses!

YouTube - vortex Sohn
YouTube - vortex Sohn

Shortly after, half the girls are in pink floral dresses… and then they’re all in pink floral dresses.

There’s still one final outfit change into black and white polka-dot dresses before the performance finally ends.

YouTube - vortex Sohn
YouTube - vortex Sohn

After the girls’ performance, the crowd was frankly amazed by what they had seen—but how to explain it?

Those watching the video will notice that the choreography seems too fast for these dress changes to even be possible! It also seems unlikely that the girls walked out wearing five dresses and nobody in the crowd noticed… But, is that how they did it?

YouTube - vortex Sohn
YouTube - vortex Sohn

There seems to be a clue to what’s going on around the 2: 00-minute mark—those who look closely may see a hint of the blue dresses before they make their real appearance!

The fun of the video goes beyond explanation.

YouTube - vortex Sohn
YouTube - vortex Sohn

The clip has garnered nearly six million views on YouTube and shows no sign of stopping.

Above all, the girls in this video have pulled off a pretty impressive (and deceptive) performance, all on live television? How do you think they accomplished this feat?

One viewer commented:

“sooo amazing and beautiful instant change dress.unbelievevable! what technology or miracle magic they have done ? love love it (* *)”

Another wrote:

“I know there are [dresses] underneath..but how’s the process like? Like how did they did the change so fast and where did the other dresses go?”

YouTube - vortex Sohn
YouTube - vortex Sohn

If you’re a fan of magical performances, this is one that will leave you dazzled. Press play on the video below to watch these ladies’ amazing “dress changing” act!

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