Some children are in a league of their own when it comes to performing, they put on shows that even most adults couldn’t manage. These young dancers, soar to new heights with this wonderful routine. One girl, in particular, leaves the crowd stunned with her magnificent moves.
The choreography in this performance it out of this world!

At this National Dance Competition in Orange County, California, these tiny dancers put on quite the spectacle with this flashy routine
When the video starts, you see big boxes that appear to be wrapped presents. There are three girls, one sitting on each box in a pose. The music starts and the girl on the biggest box takes the lead, keep an eye on her, she really steals the show!

Her gestures are perfectly in line with the music before long another little girl gets up to join in. They play off of each other’s energy while showing off their complex dance moves.

Kicking her leg straight in the air, the main dancer is interrupted by the 3rd dancer who pushes her leg down

Acting out hilarious situations, the three girls incorporate expert level dance moves and have the audience captivated. The lead dancer kicks her leg straight up while spinning until she introduces 2 new dancers who come out of the presents.

Like a jack-in-the-box, the newest dancers pop out of the gift boxes ready to go. There’s still one more surprise to make the show complete, and it’s a good one.
With 5 dancers now on stage, they introduce the last two, who pop out right on cue with the music

The young girls proceed to do some sensational moves and the crowd can’t get enough. You can hear audible yells every time the main dancer does a standing-split Pirouette.

They continue to execute the routine flawlessly, it’s hard to believe they’re so young. Their flexibility is insane, my legs ache just watching them. This was back in 2014, I wonder how many of the girls are still dancers?

Choreographer Rachel Miller is a genius at her craft and it shows in this performance
This choreographer went above and beyond with these steps, more importantly, the girls nailed it start to finish. To end the show, the girls all do standing-splits and go back to the gift boxes they started on.

YouTube went crazy for the talented little girls, millions of people watched the impressive team. It’s easy to see why the tiny dancers went viral.
Over 2.2 million people viewed the video on YouTube, with 8.3k also hitting the like button

Any athlete will understand the extreme athleticism displayed in this video. The stamina, coordination, and strength it takes to pull this off are outstanding. The dance team got 1st place in mini & musical theater, which is no surprise being brilliant as they were.

These mini-stars light up the stage with the terrific performance, you won’t believe your eyes. To see the remarkable routine for yourself, watch the video below!
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