Adorable little boy is melting hearts with his politeness to mom
This may be the most gracious toddler ever.
B.T. Swezey

Showing someone appreciation isn’t always the easiest thing to do.

Either we feel like we aren’t saying enough or we simply don’t know what to say at all.

Other times, we just feel too shy or embarrassed to let them know how grateful we truly are.


But what I’ve found over the years is that the best way to show someone appreciation is to keep it simple.

There’s no need for over-the-top shows of gratitude (although if this is your thing then there’s nothing wrong with it).

But what works best for me is a simple smile and a genuine “thank you.”

Those two words can mean so much when they are said the right way.


For one little boy, his mastery of showing gratitude to his mother is wildly impressive for a child of his age.

At only two years old, little Grey always makes sure that his mom knows just how thankful he is to receive what looks like some delicious home-cooked meals.


When his mom offers him a plate of food, his first response is always, “Thank you, Mama.”

And it’s not some disingenuous “thank you” either.

It’s the real thing.

You can see the gratitude in his face.

You can hear the appreciation in his voice.

And most importantly, his mother can feel his honest acknowledgment of her gracious acts.


Grey’s mother, Linda Meeker, told Good Morning America, “I definitely taught him. I think it’s very important to be consistent and repetitive. It’s the norm for him.”

So even though this isn’t something that he just picked up on his own, it is clear that he has mastered the skill of showing gratitude.

As a child, it can be easy to take for granted just how much time, effort, and money your parents put into raising you.

I know that growing up, I ate many home-cooked dinners that I failed to show any real gratitude for.

And you know what?

My mom never stopped cooking for us, even when her effort was underappreciated.


Obviously little Grey is too young to look back and analyze just how much his mom has done for him over the years but one day he will.

And I think if he sees this video of himself in the future, he’s going to be very proud that he was able to start showing true gratitude at such a young age.


Gratitude is something that all of us should practice more.

Because it is one of those rare and special acts that can benefit everyone involved.

So not only will the person receiving the thanks feel happier, but the person giving the thanks will feel better as well.

According to Harvard Health, “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”


So the next time that someone does something kind for you, take a tip from little Grey here and make sure that they know just how much you appreciate them.

Because a little bit of gratitude can go a long way.

This may seem like a simple gesture, but how

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