Steve Harvey Gets An Irish Dance Lesson On "Little Big Shots"
Keep your eyes on their legs! They are so talented.
Jenny Brown

Steve Harvey’s new television show Little Big Shots is a smashing success. Ever since its premier earlier this year, millions worldwide have watched countless children demonstrate their amazing talents. It’s truly awesome to see such young children show off their extraordinary skills!

It’s clear from many of these videos that hard work and focus are necessary to become great at something. These kids have spent years honing and practicing their skills away from the camera. It’s truly inspiring!

On this particular episode of Little Big Shots, Steve sits down with four children who are Irish step dancers. He’s so intrigued by their talent that he asks for a dance lesson. A young boy in the group stands up and tries to teach Steve a few of the easier moves. While Steve tried his best, I personally think he should leave step dancing to the kids.

Wait until you see these kids break out in their dance. It’s an epic performance that will have you mesmerized from start to finish. Just keep your eyes on their feet… they move in an incredible fashion.

Please SHARE this awesome video if you enjoyed watching these kids!

[Source: Little Big Shots]
