Broadway Actors Give Plane Passengers Flash Mob Surprise
This is the possibly best thing that can happen to you on a plane!
Morgan Slimak

Flash mobs are so much fun. However, while they usually involve doing some sort of dancing performance in public, passengers on a Sydney, Australia bound plane got a pleasant surprise when a large group of people randomly started singing a well-known Africa themed song.

It was just before takeoff on Virgin Australia flight 097 when the group began spontaneously singing.

Their song of choice? “The Circle of Life”, a song from the movie The Lion King.

It’s a tune that almost everyone has heard before, although, most have probably never heard it performed live on an airplane.


The group responsible for the impromptu show was none other than the cast of Lion King Australia, a Broadway musical based on the famous Disney movie.

David Tribble
David Tribble

They had just finished a successful launch of the musical in Brisbane.

The cast was so elated that they couldn’t help but continue singing, even after the original Broadway launch was long over. It was their preferred method of celebrating and one that passengers definitely appreciated.

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At first, no one knew what was going.

Everyone looked around the plane confused, but soon passengers couldn’t help but begin smiling and singing along as well.

Lion King music has that effect on people.

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While flying is generally a fairly mundane and exhausting experience, after the group started singing, you could immediately tell that the mood on the plane changed. The passengers collectively were reinvigorated and filled with energy. The group finished their performance to roaring applause from everyone on board.

All of the passengers were very surprised, and we’re sure it was an experience they will all remember for many years to come.

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YouTube Screenshot

Of course, we also have to thank the flight attendant for pulling out their phone and filming the whole thing. Now millions of people on YouTube get to experience the beautiful song as well.

Since the video was posted in March of 2014 it has been viewed almost 10 million times.

Now that is a lot of people!

The like to dislike ratio says it all — people almost unanimously love The Lion King. As of this writing, there were over 133 thousand likes compared to just 1.6 thousand dislikes. Anyone who has spent any time on YouTube knows that is almost unheard of.

The comments section was full of people praising the singers too.

Another user had this to say:

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YouTube Screenshot

We definitely agree. If you are going to be on a long and tiring flight, being entertained by a bunch of Broadway actors would certainly help to lighten the mood. The passengers got a once in a lifetime show and it’s something they will probably never experience again.

If only all of us could be so lucky!

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mohamed mohamed mahmoud hassan

Flash mobs are great, and really, the only thing better than getting to witness a flash mob in person is getting to witness a Lion King themed flash mob in person.

We have to say, we are a little jealous. To quote the one YouTube commenter, “This is possibly the best thing that can happen to you on a plane.”

And with that, we’ll leave you to watch the video for yourself.

Check out the whole video of the impromptu Lion King “Circle of Life” flash mob below.

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