Most families have certain traditions they like to keep alive, whether they started them on their own or had them passed down to them from previous generations.
And it’s amazing to see how these traditions vary across different cultures and areas of the world, whether it’s recipes, songs, or games that they play.
But one family’s strange original game has gone viral and involves putting their patriarchs through a tortuous blindfolded test which happens to be absolutely hilarious. The family filmed their strange contest and shared it with the Love What Matters Facebook page where it was viewed 14 million times!
Basically, they blindfold two members of their family and force them to walk across a sea of Legos and mouse traps barefoot until they get to a table. Once they get to the table, which is also covered in mouse traps, they have to grab a fork and walk back through the sea of Legos and mouse traps.
Then they have to do it twice more. The first person to get three forks wins.
“This is a game where we have almost 200 Legos on the ground and several mousetraps,” says a woman off camera and laughing. “These two men have to cross this and get three forks from this table one at a time.”
The entire family anxiously looks on and waiting for the contest to begin and wondering what the winner’s prize will be. Turns out, the only prize being offered here is glory and gloating rights.
“The winner wins and the loser… loses,” she says as her entire family laughs.
They get a “ready, set go” count off and the men begin. They slowly and carefully begin their potentially painful march.
“Dad watch out!” yells one of the men’s daughters.
The two men are wincing the entire way and as they get closer to the table one man’s toe sets off a mouse trap and causes him to shriek. And of course, his family is hysterically laughing at him. The men finally reach the table and get a little bit help in finding where it is.
One man caught his finger in a mouse trap while trying to grab a fork causing him to shriek louder than he did before. This poor guy is just screaming his entire way back and was getting beat up pretty badly.
You’ll have to watch the rest of the video below to see how it ends.
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