Two Women Nail What Makes Leggings So Great, Create Hilarious Video That’s Gone Viral
This looks like a real Nike commercial, only better.
Cedric Jackson

How much does the world love leggings?

It seems like you can’t go anywhere without seeing someone wearing them. That’s OK, though, because they are incredibly comfortable. While leggings were meant to be worn to the gym, people wear them everywhere. A pair of black leggings goes with anything, and it looks good under dresses or with hoodies.

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“Saturday Night Live” recently made a commercial for some leggings, and now everyone wants them.

If only they were real; people would be buying them in every color. “SNL” seems to get how popular leggings are. So, the writers came up with the concept of Nike Pro-Chiller Leggings.

These leggings are perfect for running, going to the gym, and, of course, sitting on the couch chilling. Of course, these leggings aren’t real, but it sure would be nice if they were. The video is so believable that you would probably think you were watching a real Nike commercial if you didn’t know it was an “SNL” skit.

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In the skit, Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant aren’t afraid to show how fierce they are in their leggings.


Two other women comedians who have previously appeared on “SNL” start off by talking about how physically fit they are. The camera shows them both with one saying, “I’m a runner, I run,” and the other saying, “I’m a fighter, I fight.”

Then, the camera pans to Bryant, who is sitting on the couch in the leggings. She says, “And I just sit the hell down and chill in these soft pants.” Most people aren’t afraid to admit that they do a lot more errand running in their leggings than actual running. The only fighting they do is over the clearance racks at the mall.

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Who says leggings are only for athletes?

If they weren’t mean to be worn on the couch, they wouldn’t be so comfortable. If you have ever watched a real Nike athletic clothing commercial and rolled your eyes at the people in it, you will really enjoy this “SNL” Nike commercial.

Kate McKinnon’s character says a completely relatable line”


“Women can do anything they want — and I want to do nothing. My Fitbit says I’m dead.”

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Sometimes, you just don’t want to do anything, and since you can’t sit around naked, comfortable pants are the next best thing.

You can’t really relax in jeans. They aren’t flexible, and the buttons push against your stomach when you are trying to reach the remote on the coffee table but don’t want to move your legs.

Nike probably won’t make lazy leggings like these, and you probably won’t ever see any of the actors in the Nike commercial admitting that they like to sit on the couch, watch Netflix, and binge on Cheetos and mint chocolate chip ice cream, but that doesn’t mean they don’t do it.

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This hilarious commercial proves that we are all human and we all deserve to be comfortable, whether we are running, fighting, or napping on the couch.

If you sure aren’t sure what to use these leggings for, take a lesson from Brandt. She explains some of the things you can do while wearing them. She says:

“Leggings, blanket, laptop — couch panini.”

You can even wear these leggings while you are eating a panini.

Of course, this skit was simply made to make people laugh, but it also makes you think.

Wouldn’t it be a better world if there wasn’t any pressure behind leggings? What if everyone just bought them without the expectations of working out. Then, nobody would have to feel so ashamed when they are just sitting on the couch in them. At least “SNL” gets it.

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