Ramboline, Lara, Djunga and Jenny Are Retiring
These are four elephants that have been circus performing for many years and have now been retired. Three of these performing elephants cam from the Circus arena, and the other came from Circus Trapez.
Now What Happens To Them?
Not only are there always concerns about how circus animals are treated, there is always a worry about what will happen to them when they are due to retire.
So Denmark Steps In
The government of Denmark has stepped up to do the right thing and has invested $1.6 billion into the retirement of these four elephants.
Presently the plan is that these four beauties will go to a zoo. But many are hoping that they will end up in a sanctuary instead where they would be able to have more freedom. The problem is that wild animals that have been kept in captivity cannot be released in the wild.
Another big step that the Denmark Government is making is that they are going to ban the use of wild animals in circuses. At the present time, the only animals that can be used in Denmark for circus events are elephants, zebras, and sea lions. A new ban will prevent even these animals from being used for circus purposes.
Their Current Home
The four animals were being housed in a stable and don’t have much room to move around. Now the government is making sure they are being cared for by animal welfare and that they are getting some exercise.
Circus Elephants
For many years elephants have been big performers and valuable to the circus industry for drawing crowds. Over the years animal activists have stepped in to put an end to this as it is considered cruelty. There has been some controversy about this subject over the years.
Ringling Brothers
One of the most famous circuses ever to be in existence was Ringling brothers.
In 2015 they made the announcement that they would stop using elephants to perform in their acts.
The Announcement
The company stated they would retire the elephants to their breeding centre in Florida.
This breeding centre was used for many years to breed baby elephants so they could become future performers.
The Baby Elephants Were Treated Terribly
The baby elephants lived a life of misery. Being changed up for many months to break their spirit. Then ropes were used to make them learn how to perform.
Eventually An End To This
Over the years animal activists found hard to bring the company owners of Ringling Brothers to justice for the way they had been treating the elephants. Several court settlements were made via the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Ringling brothers closed down its circus operation but the fight still continued as to what to do with the elephants.
There is a lesson to be learned here that when spectators are viewing performing animals are they aware of what can go on behind the scenes.
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