Young Woman Sings Haunting Version Of “Let It Be”
Her version of this is hauntingly beautiful.
Chesney McDonald

If you’re like me, then when you think of people singing in Germany, the first thing that comes to mind is The Sound of Music. If you’re not like me, then perhaps you are familiar with German television show, The Voice of Germany. If this this is the case, then congratulations, you are already aware of how much undiscovered talent Germany has.

Young contestant Lara Samira does a beautiful rendition of a classic Beatles song it would be hard not to like!

This is a blind audition, where a contestant has to woo their potential coaches with nothing but their voices. Judges are facing away from the performance, and only once they press their buttons are they spun around to see who’s performing.


Lara starts off right away getting into “Let it Be” by The Beatles.

This is one of their classics, which has seen many iterations. Lara however, seems to take it in her own direction. She slows it way down, allowing her soft yet jazzy voice to soulfully play with the melody.

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The audience is captivated. They watch in silent admiration as Lara sweetly strums her ukulele and sings her song with seemingly little effort. She appears very comfortable on stage, it’s clearly where she wants to be.

Samu Haber is clearly under her spell. This mentor seems captivated by Lara’s sweet voice.


No guesses who’s going to slam their button first!

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Samu hits his button and the audience goes wild! No surprises that he was going to be the first, you can practically see the hearts swirling around his head.

Of course, it’s not just the audience who lose their minds when his hand slams down…

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Lara’s family go crazy when they hear the boom of Samu’s button.

What looks like Lara’s close family jump and scream backstage. It seems like her mother is about to lose her mind with excitement. A massive smile spreads across Lara’s face. She’s got her first mentor on-side. This means that if no other coaches hit their buttons, Samu will have Lara on his team of singers going forward in the show. If others do hit their buttons, Lara will have to choose between coaches.

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Not all judges are so quick to press their buttons however…

Mark Forster grapples with whether or not to hit that button. He must be keen, but is holding back. He eventually nods and raises his hands as if to say “OK, yeah, it’s definitely a yes.” Then as he slams his button, again the crowd goes wild.

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Soon after Mark, duo Michi and Smudo join hands theatrically and bring them down on the button together. Smudo clearly has a glimmer in his eye for this contestant.

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It looks like Lara is going to have to choose between a few of the coaches. Audience members are in tears over her performance and she has clearly won over most of the panel. Not everyone however…

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Yvonne seems to be withholding with her button.

It’s not clear if she’s unsure about taking a risk on this new talent, or if she’s simply enjoying the song so much that she’s transcended to another level of consciousness!

Eventually however, Yvonne looks as if the song is bringing a tear to her eye

She finally slams that button down.

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Adorably, Lara is beaming with this full house of coaches who want her on their team. No surprises for us really, she has such a bright talent. And probably a brighter future!

Check out the video below to hear Lara’s sweet version for yourself. Would you slam your buzzer?

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